Author Topic: What would you think about this comment?  (Read 70101 times)


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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #465 on: February 04, 2006, 12:56:11 AM »

You are really an amazing woman. when you were in midst of all this, and posting his emails etc, I was really afraid of what he could do, what he would do. I am really proud of how you have handled this, and the lengths to which you have gone to protect your daughter.

Kudos to our very own tigress!!!

Love, Marta


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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #466 on: February 04, 2006, 09:41:17 AM »
Congratulations and many blessings for the courts having done the right thing for a change.  I wish you and your daughter all the best as you begin this next phase of your life.  I know you will find the happiness and peace you so richly deserve.




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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #467 on: February 04, 2006, 09:32:45 PM »
Thank you all so much for the support and encouragement for the past year.
The divorce came 1year to the day when EX said he would soot me then himself if I moved to TX.

I remember because the next day was my fathers B-Day. I had told my father about the remark and how worried I was ready to say I had enough and would make every effort to leave the relationship and get out safe.

This time when I called my dad I gave him the great news. He was very happy for all of us and said the news was a great B-Day gift.

BIL wrote ex telling him to get some mental help, how his mind was sick and he is  still waiting for an applogy before he will tell him about his mothers Will. He has written 4 e-mails but no response from ex.

I'm having drama with D's friend, she is staying with us for I don't know how long, the G-parents who  have raised her for the past 5 years are finding a 13yo is not always fun.

The girl is given $200 to spend at the mall and lives is a very nice house. G-parents (step-G-father) trying to hold some boundaries I guess, the little girl was mad and called him names and cried becasue she didn't want to go with them and wanted to do something with her friends instead.
They were so mad they said she was going to be given up to foster care.

She is with us for now, tonight we by chance went shopping for food and the G-MA was in the parking lot.
We said hello and she asked her G-Daughter how she was doing. The G-D said I love you G-ma, and G-ma said I love you too. G-D felt bad not understanding why they would ever say they would give her away to foster care. I hope this is only a temp situation and after everyone cools down they can move her back home.

Drama, I was not ready for this but we are fine and my D loves having her here.

Thanks for reading   OR 


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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #468 on: February 04, 2006, 11:00:50 PM »
OR, I am so happy for you. Has it been a year?
As you may recall, I have a 13 year old also, and drama is the name of the game what you (and I) are going through (have gone through) is not easy on our girls. Your resolve to make the right choices for your daughter are inspiring and compelling.  Thank you for sharing this wonderful news.


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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #469 on: February 04, 2006, 11:32:28 PM »
Know what I hear, OR?
In the middle of all you've been going through you are still the kind of person who has compassion for an out of control kid and her pushed too far grandma.

Bless you for that...

and KUDOS on your brave swim to freedom!
You MADE it across the Rio Grande.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #470 on: February 04, 2006, 11:58:56 PM »
hey, OR, I sent you a PM, but I think I managed to lose it....let me know.


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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #471 on: February 05, 2006, 04:00:15 PM »
OR, I am overjoyed to hear that your bravery, hard work, and search for peace have gotten you this!  Don't ever think that this "just happened to you."  You had the vision and you made it happen despite a lot of setbacks and fear.  You found a way.  Congratulations!  Hearing your experience is so inspiring to me.
  :D :lol: :) :mrgreen: :!:

- The only thing that was ever really wrong with me was that I used to think there was something wrong with *me*.  :)


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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #472 on: February 05, 2006, 04:20:08 PM »
Many, many congratulations OR! This is fantastic news... I am so pleased for yo uand your daughter! :D :D :D :D :D

Well done :)


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Re: What would you think about this comment?
« Reply #473 on: February 06, 2006, 11:49:18 PM »
thank you all so much....I can't believe I made it across the river. I want to jump for joy, sing some happy songs and look forward to becoming a new person like I have never known. WOW  !!!!!!!!!!

(Mum) I will respond in a short time.

Today we're making a decision to have this little girl stay here until after school is out for the next 12 weeks.

As we are talking about what she has been going through D, is telling her how other than the recent deal about the e-mail invasion, how we get along so well. We don't walk around with wounded feelings.
We say what needs to be said then it's forgotten, never stay mad for long.

She spoke of her father and his over reactions about everything. Her friend's Gpa reminded D of her father, it's been the first time I have heard her speak about some of her thoughts about him. She wanted her friend to know we could so relate to the verbal abuse and over reactions. They talked about how D,  said she was not shocked and knew just how she felt she knew her story all to well.
We are all trying to heal and we would want her to feel safe with us . Her friend so far has been a healing for D,like a little sister its so sweet.

Today Ex wrote a letter to D, telling her when she is 18 she can be with him, he gives her the exact date and time. He also reminds me I can not sensor her mail, that the final judgement has the recommendation removed. (I did not show her the letter). I now have full leagal custody and at this time we are both in need of healing not more salt in our wounds.

Its late, up early in the AM

Will respond more later  OR

« Last Edit: February 06, 2006, 11:54:40 PM by onlyrenting »