H- is upset and letting his brother know how he is not happy.

It appears my N-H never picked up my certified letter and 32 papers, but the judge was happy to let him know about some of the evidence against him. The BIG lie, I left N-H to die while he was recovering from surgery, other illness, abused him to tears and kidnapped our D.
I have the police report and to back-up H's statement he wanted to shoot me, leave US, is an email from his brother explaining he would have no part of my H leaving us in the cold confirming how he wanted to leave us.
The judge must have let my H copy the courts 32 papers for him to read, and announced how his brother explained in an e-mail what was going on. All I know is BIL wrote me to say my H is mad and going on about the letter the court had how he thought his brother supplied the letter directly to the judge.
I was imagining the judge never read all the pages, only set up the next appointment for our october 4th mediation.
I feel like with H so upset it could only mean he now has to face the lies and the judge knows his brother thinks he was doing the wrong thing to his family. I wish I could have been a fly on the wall in the court room that day. I guess it was ment to be H, never picked up the 32 pages from the Post Office.
Some how the judge giving the documents to my H has a much sweeter ring to it.
I wonder how he will respond about that medical evaluation on his mental abnormalities.
Now he must account for the money too, I know he hates having to account to anyone for his actions.
His brother is glad he will have to account to the judge and knows his brother hates authority.
I explained to him how the judge was pist at my H for the lie about not being served.
How the judge told my H, he will comply with the rules of the court and respond when requiried.
Thanks for reading ........... OR