The sevice was Sunday for my Nephew. I was told my H would not come
because of his anger towards his brother about helping me.
I wrote him, told him to go to the service be an man not act like a 5 yr old.
I wrote more but this was part of what I said.
He did go, and wrote me back.
Nothing in reply to being N, only for his nephew he would not say the negitive things he says to me. (don't believe it for one minute).
I felt better to tell him he needs HELP, I say very little because of the Divorce.
This is all coming out in a few weeks with the OSC, so for now I guess he thinks Im just giving my opinion that he is an N. His reply to me makes no mention about being an N.
He did say he felt like his family cared about him and felt he was loved.
He changes with the wind, I know he will need extensive help.
This is not the first time I have told him he is an N, I mentioned 1 time shortly after we moved here.
I think it odd he would not say "NO IM NOT an N," or maybe he likes being an N and it's no big deal to him????????
I wrote this to my H.
You are a text book case, the way you react and the things you say and do are all ready written down.
You have a problem called self absorb Narrssistic behavior. You can be helped with lots of therapy. Problem you CANT see it in yourself. it's too painful. YOU must press through this take a step of faith, GOOO! to the service.
Don't talk about yourself or your problems but about Steve.
Don't cry and make a scene that you have this sorrow, you just need to be calm and listen to the pains of others learn from people who have emotions that are real.
You have lost your emotions somehow and not expected to be emotional, just try and feel, not to mask what you think, you should be.
My H did say some other wako stuff, this is what I said to him.
trying to keep in mind what I have to say is more important than the Wako stuff he comes up with.
I responded back only with how "great it was he felt he was loved by his family."
Thanks for reading. Im reading a book called Crazy Makers, it gives advise to tell these N people they are N's.
The thearapy is extensive with more than 1 T, to do the job on a daily treatment plan, lasting for a very long time depending on the degree.
I wonder if you go from one degree to another but would always be an N never able to be healed.
Thanks for reading. OR