Hi everyone,
Thanks to all the support in this thread and also in my other thread:What exactly is wrong with revenge. Lara, Brigid, GFN, Bludie, Bunny (most recent posters), your comments have been most helpful. Can you all come over for dinner tonight? (smile)
Since stopping reading my ex's emails, I have been feeling sad and rejected. Like you Lara, my mind seems to default to thinking about him. Here are the most recent thoughts:
1. That he's not really an N and that I was just needing to believe that in order to feel better about being dumped. (So many of you talk about your N's calling and seeking you out; mine has pretty much stayed away since leaving 8 months ago. However, so many other N qualities I've read about ring true and they were validated by his exwife).
2. So if he's not really an N, there must be something about me that caused him to leave me (I know this is not rational: he has major gender issues along with still being fixated on a woman he was with 10 years ago. He sees her as the love of his life, flawless, perfect, etc..., even though she lost all romantic interest in him a couple of years into their relationship and she is with a new man. They still see each other a few times a year)
3. Reading his email has caused me to feel rejected by omission. He never talks about me and when he does, it's only about how wrong I was for him (this is the guy who seduced me, convinced me I'd been waiting for him for many lifetimes, professed eternal love and devotion in 150 pages of love letters, seemed to be everything I've ever wanted in a man, proposed, sold his home, moved to my city, planned a big wedding with me, bought me a ring, hosted an engagement party, had me spending time with his large family for several days-----and then moved away to buy a house in another state, thereby essentially dumping me with no warning over the course of 4 days time for a bunch of lame reasons (all things he knew about me BEFORE he ever proposed), all the while saying he loved me and was still committed to me. It is still incomprehensible how anyone could do this in the way he did it).
4. He has recently met a new woman, and has apparently fallen for her and she for him. The very next day, however, he put up two new ads on Internet singles web sites looking for women (he has other ads up looking for transsexual men). In one of his new ads, he has a photo of himself with MY dog!!!! I couldn't resist. I wanted to find out what he would say if asked about the dog so I created a false persona--let's call her Lisa (one I knew he would be attracted to) and answered his ad and asked about the dog. He was relatively honest saying the dog was just a friend (even though my dog is NO friend of his, after what he did to me!) Since I'd pledged to give up reading his email, I decided to end this little game right away. "Lisa" wrote him back a brief letter saying she had met a couple of other guys who are geographically closer, and she wished him luck. He wrote back saying how much he wanted to meet "Lisa" because she reminded him of this woman from 10 years ago, and he went ON and ON about this woman and how wonderful she is (not real smart if you are trying to woo someone new). I felt so rejected again! It's as if I never existed and he was ENGAGED to me, for crying out loud! (I guess one has to wonder what he's doing so excited about "Lisa" when he JUST met someone new and supposedly really flipped over her. The poor woman.)
I guess I wouldn't feel quite as horrible if there was EVER a shred of something positive he said about me. But he never does. And that is why I am finally letting go. I'm tired of getting rejected over and over and over again.
It's been a few days of no email reading. I know this is the best thing. I feel pretty depressed. I am not going to fight the depression. It almost feels comforting. I have no expectations of myself. I can just float for a while. I feel extremely unmotivated to try and meet someone new. I am depleted. I wonder if I am getting peri-menopausal? I am 47. Maybe my hormones are starting to fluctuate and affect my moods.
I so wish I had never met this man who threw my heart against the wall and walked away as if I never existed.
Sorry for going on and on, but thanks to anyone who reads this for "listening."