Bunny, I read Men Who Can't Love and underlined just about half the book because it so described what happened to me. My only problem with the book is that he describes the behavior of these various men but doesn't link it with Narcissism or anything else for that matter. He mentions it very very briefly. No matter. The behavior described my ex very well. I have recently thought about the book again and am about to pull it off my shelf for another reading. And thank you for the web link. I will take a look.
Bludie, great story. Thanks. Right now I feel like the carrot. My self esteem was really solid when I met him. In fact he used to say that one thing he loved about me was that I was a happy person and wasn't looking to him to make me happy. After this unfortunate episode, I've felt like I've had my spirit crushed. I put this in the past tense because I am much better than I was all summer when I cried frequently. I phase in and out of so many different feelings. Today, for example, I am totally disgusted by him and am thinking I am so well rid of this selfish, immature, gender-confused, flat broke guy (makes a huge amount of money but has poor impulse control with spending). Yesterday when I wrote my last post, I was afraid that he's fine (based on the fact that he's moved on so easily while I stay so stuck, and based on the fact that some people seem to love him a lot) and I'm the one that's not worth being with. Today and a couple of days ago, I felt bored reading his email and felt like I'm going to give it up soon without even trying. I don't think I'll ever become the egg. I am not that self protective. Maybe I'll become the coffee, but only by accident and only in retrospect. Like maybe one day I'll realize that I'm completely over this and I've somehow been transformed in a positive way.
I am getting a lot from these discussions. Thanks to all.