Hello all,
A little update on my situation.
I have been reading up on these issues and thinking very hard about what to do. My thoughts and emotions went from one extreme to another :
Option 1 - I hate them for what they did to me plus all the abuse I still can't bring to the surface yet (getting there... it hurts big time) and I don't want to see them anymore.
Option 2 - I need time and distance to heal and to understand. I will ask them to not contact me or my kids for the next 6 months (an approximation based on my rate of solving emotional issues - but I think that it will take lots more time. Looking up on therapy right now.)
Option 3 - I try to understand them and all the pain they suffered, and I still see them maybe once a month (for the kids' sake, and because I don't want to unduly hurt my parents). Planned outings, my kids never sleep over, I don't accept junkfood and junk entertainment anymore.
So, I was balancing all these options the last couple of days. Then 3 days ago, my mother decided that she hadn't seen the kids in a long time (2 weeks...) so she told my daughter over the phone that she would be over to my place, without asking if it was ok. I hadn't told my daughters yet of what was going on with my parents, so when I found out that my mother (puke) was coming over, I did my best not to show my anger.
So she came over, asked them if they wanted to go to the restaurant, then they just bought hot-dogs, sat in their car with the kids, ate, then left. They didn't come in my house, just took them out, fed them trash then left. Hit and run. They get their narcissistic fix by hurting me again, and by using my kids. I was cooking supper for them when the doorbell wrang. She didn't even ask me if I had anything planned. She just doesn't give a shit about my life (recently, I told her that I was feeling suicidal, she said : "Well, I hope you have life insurance." What a bitch!).
Today : just reread Tinkergirl's post and I think it has solidified my position on the whole issue. I keep telling myself how much better I would feel if I didn't see them at all anymore. I found out that same day that my mother had been off-loading alot of personal crap on my daughter regularly on the phone, telling her how everybody else is just mean, that she's a victim and alot of other emotionnally manipulative garbage. I can't take this anymore. I think that I have my answer right there...
I'll think about it some more for a few days, try to talk to my kids about this issue, without forcing them to take sides while listening carefully to their words and emotions, then I'll think some more, then I'll take a final decision.
Thank you all for your precious input.
Take care of your selves.
PS I found a really useful e-book on depth therapy which explains how childhood trauma affects our adult lives. It's sort of "fringe" experimental, but the words really really REALLY moved me. I think that it might be worth looking up. I am no expert, this could be total crap. Here's the link :