First off: Mudpup, can't believe you quoted Popeye!! That line has been my mantra for years.....especially to people who question my individuality!
(and just so you know, Mud, that would be'd be surprised, I don't fit into any catagory)
I'm not a tatoo fan, but if I was......that line would be on my forehead!!!!
It's the ultimate self acceptance line. Go Popeye! (although he really must stop Bluto from pushing his buttons! Get over it Popeye! Move on. and by the way: Olive is fickle!)
Lovelylilac! Welcome. Your post was right there for me. Right there.
Yes, we must learn to accept ourselves. It is, however, not a goal, but a journey. We never get "there" in any spiritual goal....thank God (or whoever

You might enjoy the writings of Pema Chodron (no, I am not a paid endorser!). She has such a humorous and gentle way of expressing such a journey. I find comfort in her writing almost more than a host of others: (who I also love: Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Ann Ford, The Dali Lama, Norman Vincent Peale, and on and on). Something about her down to earth style I think, and that it is this very topic (self acceptance, compassion) that she hits on all the time.
I don't believe perfection or 100% acceptance is what you were talking about anyway. But "being stuck" I get. Pain gets us stuck. Pain is what has this planet stuck....or I should say, not knowing what to do with pain, not recognizing what it is all about and how to process it has us stuck.
Stuck for me is when I focus on the "nots"; not knowing, not believing, not trusting, not detaching, not not not.... name it.... or all the things I am "negative about" or want to go away about my life. All things painful, actually.
I am unstuck/free when I let the negativity all go. Why? because I get to choose my thoughts and feelings...I am in control of those...and usually I am NOT in control of the things I obsess about, the past, the future, etc.
I am free when I focus on the "cans, the yes', the absolutely's and exactly's: the joy of RIGHT NOW.....and all the things I am pretty positive about or want to have in my life (or already do!!).
The fact that you are thinking about these things puts you squarely on the map, I think, of an "awakened" spiritual traveler!!!! Welcome. We're all in this together.