Author Topic: Need help with Baggage Issues  (Read 7442 times)


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Need help with Baggage Issues
« Reply #45 on: April 01, 2005, 06:44:26 PM »
no, Delphine, you and your BF rock.  The two of you seem to have it together...I mean the stuff that weathers all storms.  Have a great weekend.


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Need help with Baggage Issues
« Reply #46 on: April 04, 2005, 01:41:56 PM »
Just want all concerned to know that BF and I have a clear plan of how to handle this, and we used all your comments as input in our decisions.

It was especially useful for the feedback from you all who encouraged my right to have boundaries of behavour in my own house. How easy it is to concede that right when I was an adult before I thought of myself as having any rights whatsoever. How easy it is to then overcorrect and give kids ALL the rights.

Anyway, our non-negotiable rule for son is he must show respect for his dad (and me, when dad is not present) when dad tells him to do something. he is not allowed to argue. BF is prepared to tell son to pack a bag, and drive him to bus station if he will not back down. (Hopefully, he will cave in on the ride over; in which case he can return..) Son will also know that sarcasm or other hurtful comments directed towards a person or something that person holds dear, are not allowed in our home. For these he will lose priveleges. If he does not cease further abuse when asked to, he will have to leave.

Son will only be required to respect parental authority and refrain from abusive comments; he is not required to LIKE us, however. He is not required to accept my daughter nor myself as family members. By making this optional- his choice- it is our hope that he will eventually choose to consider his household a family. I just think that forcing it isn't going to work.

Again, thanks, hugs and blessings,


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Need help with Baggage Issues
« Reply #47 on: April 04, 2005, 02:24:06 PM »

Good for you guys! I'm glad you have a plan together that sounds workable. Good luck, I hope this immature boy will wise up.



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Need help with Baggage Issues
« Reply #48 on: April 04, 2005, 05:00:31 PM »
Hi Delphine:

Glad to hear that you two have worked out this reasonable plan.  All the better for the lines are drawn in the sand and your BF's son can choose to stay within the boundaries or step over the line.

My bet is he will step over to test....especially to see if his dad will carry through.

Hopefully, that step-over won't be irreversible and he will begin to grow as a result.



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Need help with Baggage Issues
« Reply #49 on: April 04, 2005, 06:22:17 PM »
My bet is he will step over to test....especially to see if his dad will carry through.

I expect that, too. That's why we have the "bus station" plan- time to give him a chance to think it thru. Also, no one else he could stay with- grandparents, mom, brother- will give him a free ride and total acceptance of his attitude.... but he may have to find that out.