Thank you. You have no idea how much I thank God everyday for His loving kindness to me. Without His help, His guidance, and the love of my maternal grandmother, I think I would be a statistic i.e. a prostitute, a drug addict, an early death, jailed.
In my own mind, when things were really, really bad. The realization and magnitude of my now deceased n husbands double life. It was if the Lord were literally bandaging my wounded heart, and helping me to the Table, as in Pslams 23. I think I was truly spoon fed until I was able to get up on my feet. I had many relapses but eventually, with the help of the Holy Spirit I was able to walk around and become a person. I realize that ones convictions and beliefs can derive from different things, but I have to tell you my convictions toward who Jesus Christ is the most central part of my being. Without Him, there is nothing and nothing was made. He has provided for me and my son in the most beautiful and miraculous way. There is nothing I can do to repay for what He has done in my life.
I can only say what is in my heart and this confession is not meant as "as statement of belief" but a statement of living. I do not pretend to "know" what is right or wrong for anyone else, only what is relevant and what has happened to me. For those who post here and have other values and other beliefs, there is no condemnation but only understanding. Much love to everyone, Patz