Good for you Write!!!
You made it through the night.
You've listened to reason and decided to speak with someone.
You continue to reach out here for support.
These are amazing accomplishments for someone who is feeling so down.
I do want to encourage you to continue in this direction and not let yourself sink any lower into the abyss.
And also, I want to discourage you from suicide. I'm so glad you are in a reality based state......enough to entitle your thread with that dreaded word.......suicide.
It's a word people seem uncomfortable with, especially since, as far as I can see, they don't talk about it a whole lot (probably for that discomfort reason???).
I know that deep darkness too, Write (like many here). I was all ready to end it all. I had it all planned so that it would cause the least harm to anyone else (so I thought). I was laying on my bed, having one last good cry before I would go and do the plan ...when the phone rang.
It was a close friend of mine. She started right in, after asking if I had a few minutes to talk.
"My cousin just committed suicide!!!" she said, "I'm livid!!! Suicide is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo selfish!!!! I want to kill him myself except he's already gone!!!!! The sob went and left the rest of us to face all the sh#$%^t in this world!!! Who does he think he is??? What about his kids???? Now they have to face all the sh#$%^t in this world without him!!! I want to scream!!! I want to wring his dead kneck!!!! I want to bring him back and give him a big lecture and slap some sence into his selfish head!!! He didn't think about the rest of us, who are left here without him, who are now in pain and who love him and who are suffering because of his selfish, selfish, act!!! He thought he was the only one in this world who had a lot to bear??? Now he's given the rest of us more than we had to bear, ontop of what we already had!!! " On and on she went.
This totally snapped me out of my own self-pity and guilt tripped me immediately into thinking about other people and their possible feelings......if I were to kill myself (it was a useful guilt trip, I think). It made me think about this close friend, who felt so comfortable letting it all out to me, on the phone, because she knew I would listen and because she was hurting. It made me realize that my act would cause more hurt than I had anticipated. I realized that if I finished this pain, I would start new pain...for others. I thought: "I'm not thaaaaat selfish".
Please, let me discourage you from such a plan, Write!
Stay and try and don't give up hope that there will be better days.
This pain won't last forever and the reality is......if you commit will cause great pain and grief and possibly hardship for other people.
I don't know much about your situation either but I do know that you posted information here to offer help for other people and that tells me that you are a good, caring person who DOES think of others.
Make those phone calls and get your butt out there to speak to someone who will help you make a new, much better, more helpful plan.
Please call and please post and let us know that you did find someone to speak with and please post 5000 times today and tomorrow and any day you need to.
Please keep reaching out! All is not lost. Life can be better. Please keep trying!!