I admire your courage in calling your father on the carpet---I wish that I were as brave! : )
Re: medication, I have never taken anything stronger than Valium(I tried it once for performance anxiety, and it didn't do jack), but I took-up running and race-walking fourteen years ago(when I was at my absolute lowest point), and for me, nothing clears my head better than an hour or two outside in the elements, alone(it's my "thinking time"). I'm out there year 'round(and the place where I live is known for cold, harsh winters). I also study yoga and meditation, both of which have been very effective at calming and clearing my head when I'm going through a difficult time(like recently!).
I know that your situation right now is more pressing in nature, and I am so happy that you are consulting a professional. I guess that I was just offering other ideas for relieving some of the unfavorable physiological side-effects that accompany this kind of upset(sometimes the Nperson you're really angry with isn't there to give a piece of your mind to, and although anger is productive, you don't want to be sitting home alone seething---believe me, I have had the stomachaches, asthma flare-ups and heart palpitations to back that up!) in addition to whatever you and your doctor decide.
Keep on keeping on. : )