Draft of reply to school, with planned posting date for Monday - need to sleep on it. Won't send italic bits, though.
Thank you for your letter of 13 April. I must confess to being somewhat at a loss how to respond. It appears to me that we are sliding down a slope of allegation and denial that, quite frankly, I am not interested in pursing.
In the interests of clarity, the contact with the school has been initiated wholly by Mrs D (
tutor), with my full support, and gratitude. The school has welcomed this contact, but not to the extent of providing an actual time for the visit to take place. As of today (Saturday), I am still not informed about what time C is expected there on Monday, to meet Miss J. I do not want to prejudge this, so I will wait and see what happens on the day. Perhaps it will go well. (
Perhaps pigs will fly!!)The second point, about consultation evenings is correct in relation to this term, I have since found out. However, the last consultation meeting took place on 11 November, and I was neither informed about this in advance or invited to attend. I also receive no parents letters whatever from the school. Perhaps the school will tell you that there have been no parents’ letters since January. Perhaps they also did not take part in World Book Day, and perhaps C not receiving the voucher towards a book which all other school children are given was an oversight. Perhaps there is no Year 7 trip to France in June, to which she is not even invited to consider attending (she is unlikely to be well enough, in fact) because we have received no letter about it. C has been promised information about the Gifted and Talented group, which she has been invited to join. Again, we have no information about these meetings.
Perhaps there is no effective exclusion going on, in such tiny, trivial little ways.
As to the review meeting, Mr P mentions it himself in his letter of 28 January; “We look forward to meeting with you again early after the February half-term holiday to review these arrangements and Charlotte’s progress.” But again this issue is sidestepped by saying that no meeting had been agreed with me. The meeting had indeed been agreed; his letter says as much. Only the date remained undetermined.
What advantage is there in going over this kind of detail? None that I can see.
I remain C’s advocate, both in terms of her health and her education. My point to you was that (school) has done nothing for 2 months to support her and me in achieving that education, and that I would like this to change. I am not interested in criticising anyone, only in finding a way forward, with a more child centered approach from the school, in line with their vision statement. I am, sadly, becoming increasingly disillusioned with (school), and the claims that they make about support and education.
If I were interested in causing trouble I would do that via the press and the EOC; that would hardly be difficult for me. Please take the fact that I am not at present going down those routes as an indicator that I want a good working relationship with the school, and one which looks for win:win, rather than taking the current defensive and adversarial stance.