Brigid: Ok, this is off the thread....but, too bad you don't live in my city. A bunch of "older" women in the neighborhood asked me to give them drawing lessons. Drawing realistically is often seen as a "measure' of "artistic talen" and it really is a great foundation for a world opening up, artistically.
The group includes women ages 30-55 and includes an attorney, a doctor, a teacher, a few stay at home young moms.....
all who felt they "didn't have talent", didn't want to brave the University art classes...the thing is, drawing is a skill!! They just didn't have the right instruction! Same with you! They are all shocked at what they can do, now. Now I have a new group that wants to start!
I want to sing opera.....I can carry a tune, but know nothing about this kind of I think my next move, at my "age" is to get lessons.
So, Brigid (anyone) here are some good books that might inspire you:
"Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" by Betty Edwards
and "The Natural Way to Draw" by Kimon Nikolaides
Have fun!
Sorry about the detour.....