Hi Dogbit and all:
.... I will acknowledge his entitlement to control, superior intelligence and my error in actually leaving him. I suspect that this might be the mechanism that creates the panic especially because being anxious seems to have come and gone in my history.
These thoughts: "He is the most worthy of the control", "He is more intelligent than I", "I made a big mistake by leaving him", etc. are very powerful and most certainly...induce a negative, downward spiral of thinking.
We all do it. We don't all have panic attacks or paralyzing fear all the time but we all let ourselves get thinking in this direction, sometimes.
Sometimes, this is a good thing because we admit our powerlessness over others and might actually end up examining some of things we can do to change ourselves/reactions/environment, and decide to make changes for the better=life happier for us.
And sometimes, this accelerates into a whirl wind ride into the deep abbyss, that is full of terror and seems impossible to pull ourselves out of.
The trick....is to catch oneself.....thinking stuff that has this potential.
Literally arguing with oneself....mentally....and correcting unrealistic thoughts.
"He is the most worthy of the control".
Over what? The world? Your mind? Your future/happiness??
Maybe he has a good bit of power over the money, right now (just guessing here) but so what? Money isn't sanity. Money isn't life and freedom and emotional comfort. Money isn't happiness. Ask anyone who has lot's. He won't always have all the control. There are legal ways to take some of it away. And if not, let him cuddle and love his money. You have your life! Your sanity! You future and your own potential to create your own happy life ahead of you. AND YOU ARE WORTHY OF SO MUCH.
He's not entitled to control your life, your sanity, your future, your happiness........you are entitled to that and you are the one capable of achieving your desires. He is definately NOT ....MORE worthy/entitled to anything. You are just as worthy as anyone else.
"He is more intelligent than I".
Says who? What....he's a rocket scientist now? If he was, he wouldn't be so stupid as to treat you the way he did and lose a good relationship/person in his life. He's dumb enough to think that money/other stuff is more important than love or happiness or sharing. He's not so bright, if you ask me.
"I made a big mistake by leaving him".
You did?


You can't be serious! It was one of the most correct things you've ever done (which only you can say that to yourself because I haven't got a clue about the correct things you've done but my bet is there are pleanty of them, if you will be considerate of yourself and take account).
I could go on and on for an hour, debriding each of these statements but I'm sure by now, my point is clear.
It seems to me, to avoid such panic and fear, we must get a handle on the negative thinking that occurs just prior to the attack. Maybe if you can recognize that first unrealistic statement your mind is making, grab ahold of it, and squish it......it will help to turn the tables??
If not.....it certainly won't hurt to try to put an end to this type of berating yourself. He's probably done a lovely job of that for you already and why help him do more? It's time to take care of you!!
I'm sure you are a much more