Thank you for being supportive of us. I have no regrets about anything I said. I feel I pretty much hit it right on when I said she demonstrated N actions. You can sit back and look at all of the actions of some of the people on the board right now and ya just have to think that is what we looked like when we had to deal with our N. I am serious and I want to point out WTF I am talking about in case any of them are needing help recognising her N actions.
*She comes on strong, they avoid further conflict and just realise it is easier to agree then disagree.
*Some are trying to tip toe around and lighten up the mood by purposely avoiding this conflict. It reminds me of "if you can't beat them it is easier to just join them" Ya, alrighty then, well not me, no more of that crap.
*Sand basically dismissed everyone elses words because by gosh, she said end it and she will be damned if she will continue to talk about it. Well ya know what, to me that doesnt demonstrate strength and leadership, that demonstrates someone who feels they are weak and in order to feel strength again, they have to act like their word is the gospel. Leadership, nah that is dictatorship. Oh ya, after what I have been through, that is just the place I am trying to avoid.
*Narcissistic people will generally seek outside sources if they feel they cant win the battle alone. Sand took about an hour to figure her strategy out, did you notice the board was still for awhile, then she made her attack on those who injured her righteousness by seeking those on the post for backup. Well, only thing I can say about that. Did you ever get into a fight with someone in elementary school at recess? You were so mad angry at them you tried to make all of your other friends mad at them too so they would play with you and not the person you were angry with. Sand acted no different then a child who has to gather her friends in a rally to assure they all dismiss who dismissed her. Goody Goody Gum Drops, I will be a real big person here and say, coolio she won, ya we lost, congratulations. NOT, I have been dealing with this childish chit for 2 yrs, tired of it, hell I didnt lose, I forfeited.
There are so many other things that she did or did not do that assures me that I spoke it loud for the right reasons. I backed hope up, because ya know, Hope was right all, and so was herm. If others do not feel the same about it, then thats fine, that is their opinion and I respect their opinion. I dont always have to be right. If I am wrong, help me see why I am. You will not get a fight from me, you will only get respect. I didnt see any of this happening folks. Nobody came out to say how her reactions did not mirror that of a N.