Thanks for all the support for my posts, I'm glad that some of you felt I could speak for you when you weren't allowed to speak for yourselves.
At this point, tho, I think it's best for me if I kinda bow out of this...I can't keep going round and round with a person who says that what i see is not what I see.
As I posted on the other board, that's the way I grew up, that's the way I was raised, and that's the way I learned to relate to the world. No matter what I saw, if it didn't correspond with my Ndad's warped view of the world, I was not seeing what i was seeing! Does that make sense? I mean, if I said the sky was blue, and he was feeling particularly "N-ish", he'd say, NO YOU ARE WRONG, THE SKY IS GREEN AND IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN GREEN!
Circular arguments...twisted words...hidden meanings...personal agendas...I'm trying to get these things OUT of my life, not add MORE.
This isn't to say that I've changed my position. What was done (at least the part I'm aware of) was wrong, IMHO, and I feel you all have legitimate grievances.
I'm just going to do a fade for awhile. I've got too many real-life things going on (I don't mean that in a demeaning way, I know the board stuff is real life, too, but I kinda came in at the middle/end of it). I've got a 15 year old who's going into intensive outpatient treatment for substance abuse, my Ndad was diagnosed with Alzheimer's, he's finally agreed (so so grudgingly) that he, my sis and I need to see his lawyer so sis and I can take over his financial/health concerns (he says, "Isn't that nice? now you girls will be able to finally get your way!"). That alone is going to be a nightmare, cause in his Alzheimer's world, he's gone thru all his important papers, bills, etc., and either shredded them or "disappeared" them...I've got some ongoing health problems, mom passed away in July and I've not even BEGUN to deal with it, it's just starting to hit me learning this "voice" stuff - all my reading material now deals with either Alz or NPD...
I'm so sorry, but I'm saturated. I was up til 8 am the other morning, just fooling around on the computer, and til 6 am this morning...can't turn my head off to get some sleep.
If I helped in any way, I'm grateful, but I hope you all understand that altho I'd like to continue, I'm outta steam...I made the choice to get into this, NONE of you ever asked me to, and I know you're not expecting me to be your "protector". From what I've read, you're all good, strong, people who are doing the work you need to do, and don't need anyone to lead you by the hand.
Thanks for your patience, and your good thoughts.