Oh Dear Mati:
You are not a door mat. You may have tended toward parenting in that style but that style does not make up what you are. I'm sure there were times when you also tended toward the centre of that scale but maybe you are not recalling those times right now. No matter. I just don't want you to label yourself in a negative way. It's a learning experience right? Like all else. And you are trying your best to improve your skill which is all any parent can do.
I'm so sorry for all the abuse you have been through.

It sounds like you have suffered so much.

How awful for you! Is this the first counselling you've received? I'm glad it's helping. You need support and you are a smart lady to get it. Good for you!
I bottle up resentment up until it explodes and then this sudden this anger pops up leaving the other person wonder what on earth they did to deserve that!
Maybe there are some other things you can do to help with this? Do you keep a journal to write your feelings in? This helps me a lot so I was just wondering. Sometimes, I put a pillow on the couch and let myself talk, yell, cry, etc to the person I am upset with. Also, excercise...walking really helps. I'm sure you are not the only one who has ever let out excessive anger/resentment toward an inappropriate recipient. The trick....I think, is getting it out...before it gets a chance to build up to such proportions. Maybe this would help you?
he had the boys ganged up with him against me so that I was voiceless and powerless.
I'm sorry that you had to move out under such stressful conditions. It is not fair of one spouse to form a troop with the kids against the other spouse....for no good reason other than to make the other spouse look nasty. What a big baby he is!!! Needs his boys to defend his position against big bad scarey mommy eh? That was downright juvenile and underhanded. I can relate to your feelings and all I can say is .....he is a little snake.
Every dog has his day, Mati.
they wanted to live with him, he being the permissive one, who would let them lie in bed half the day, fill the fridge with beer etc. so me leaving was the best plan in their eyes.
This hurts. I'm sorry Mati about this. You might be tempted to think that they are saying that you aren't needed, are unimportant, even that they love their dad more, or similar thoughts. But these things are probably not true. These guys just want to live where it is easiest to do as they like. The will find out soon enough that somebody hasssssss to clean the toilet and wash those stinky socks etc. It's not love they feel for their father, in this case, it's control. Dad will let us do this and that, therefore dad is easier to get our way with. What they don't realize is that Dad will also get tired of watching them sleep and sucking back beers. Or, the place will become a pig stye, in which case, they will have to live with it.
Try to think of this time as
you time, Mati. Time for you to deal with the stuff that is/has been bothering you, time to build a healthier better you. You will end up a better parent because of it. Enjoy your peace and the beginning of a new life.
Being emotionally available to your sons is the best thing you can do for them right now. And if they begin to complain about their circumstances, you can empathize with them, let them express their feelings and concerns, and encourage them to become independant, for their own well being, or help them see their choices. If they never complain, then I guess they will all be happy together, which is what you want for your sons anyway. So no matter what....you can think of it as a win-win situation, if you choose to.
n has twisted their reality so that they say that have been traumatised by what I call normal parental behaviour like looking in their rooms once because I was worried about secret drinking and shop lifting.
You know, the first thing I always seem to wonder in situations like this is:
Who is he going to use for a scape goat now?
I mean, now that you're gone, who will he be twisting reality about?
If they were traumatized by your parenting, then they should be perfectly happy and free from now on. My bet is.....they will come to realize who the actual parent is (and it's not him). My bet is also....that you will begin to hear stories about stuff they are unhappy about in regard to him. It's much harder to get up and parent children than it is to just let them do as they like. But once there is no one there to do the actual parenting, somethings gotta give. I totally relate Mati. Very frustrating to live with. I'm glad you're away from that and can now enjoy your peace.
I know it's hard but try not to worry too much about what your boys think right now. They are still young. They will mature and become men. Be loving and inviting to them. Let them know you care and miss them. Tell them what you like about them and the things you are proud of about them/their accomplishments. Encourage them to talk and try to hear their emotions/the feelings they are expressing. Respond to those feelings by acknowledging. eg. "It seems like you are angry with Dad right now and you have a right to be." Then, help them to find solutions...."What do you think would help the situation?"
Mati, I'm no expert but I know what it's like living in chaos for years. You are now in a postition to end the chaos in your own life and to provide a calm, comfy, open non-chaotic place for your boys to relax/visit with you in. You can be the good guy now!!!

Warning: Don't bad mouth dad, no matter how tempting! Don't stoop to his level.