Hello Mati:
You sound like you are getting to a peaceful place.....after all the losses you have suffered.....losing your home, marriage, living with your sons, etc. You do not sound bitter which is a good thing! It just sounds like you are moving toward a peaceful place. I'm glad to hear it (hope I'm not misinterpreting).
Are others like this? I wonder why?
I find it much easier to let go of, learn from, maybe laugh at certain mistakes in life, and move toward improving/preventing a repeat. In parenting...it isn't that easy. I feel immense guilt over whatever parenting errors I've made and I think it is because I'm worried about possibly having caused harm/damage to my children (guilt icon please), which doesn't seem obvious but could still be possible.
In order to move past that mind set I have to remind myself that I am not perfect and cannot expect myself to always parent perfectly, always do everything correctly, and never make a mistake. And for the most part, I know I have been a very good parent and tried and did the best I could. Still....as you say, it is a very difficult area of my life to learn lessons from because of the possible serious consequences to my children. I truly wish, in this area, it were possible to be perfect, or at least, close to it.
It is the first effective counselling or perhaps it is the first time that I can be helped.
I'm glad this is helping and you are feeling the effects are good. You've been through a lot and it's good that you have someone you feel comfortable speaking with and working on difficulties with. Good for you!
One thing I am learning is to recognise danger sings in myself and contacting my support netowrk when n starts to draw me in again.
That's a big step ahead because if you can do this, you will prevent a downward spiral and save yourself a lot of agrivation. Another good thing!!
I have come out of this much better than him as he is left with his malfunction and I am rapidly learning how to function.
That's great for you Mati!! Keep going and soon you will feel like a new person! I'm so glad you this is happening for you!
They are totally brainwashed, but whether this is really love maybe you are right.
I don't think it's love. He's just managed to influence them and they believe his bs right now. This won't last forever. Eventually, they will see the light.
Perhaps it is my fault and I was a much worse parent than I think. I was not there emotionally for them when things were really bad or when my son from my first marriage commited suicide.
Oh Mati, I'm so sorry that this happened. How horrific! Please don't blame yourself. You are only human. How old was your son when he did this? (if you don't want to talk about it....no worries. I will understand).
It might just be the way n manipulated me to feel I was a bad parent.
Do you think he may have "brainwashed" you too, some?
Yes they have got fed up with a lot of things like junk food and the eldest son has had to take responsibilty of providing healthy food because n can't cook like he can't do anything else that a normal person has to learn.
I suppose it won't hurt them to take on this responsibility. Maybe it will help them see their father in a clearer light? They certainly won't die from learning how to cook.
The lonliness is hard but i keep thinking that there are worse things in life to cope with. At least I am out of the n chaos.
Well you can find things to do to help yourself combat feeling so alone and maybe even begin to enjoy the peace, right? Do you have any hobbies? Any pets? Do you think you might join a group or a club, take a class or be able to find some new social outlets? Something to look forward to?
I joined a single parent group with the distinct goal of making a few friends who were single parents like me, when I was a single parent. I did just that and it ended up being something really worthwhile and fun. Maybe something like that would help you?
But their being in a damaging situation living with their personailty disordered father will never be a good thing for them. But if they choose that for now then there is still hope that they will see it one day and escape. Thanks for giving me that hope.
They are adults so you're right....they are making a choice and it isn't their only choice. They may choose otherwise in the future. That is all anyone can hope for and it might happen sooner than expected. Who knows?
I can see that the eldest son is taking over my role to a certain extent..... My relationship with the eldest son has taken a bit of a knock and he is not contacting me much now...
That's hard to watch.

Maybe it will open his eyes to some of what you have gone through and end up bringing you both closer together?
I feel so much clearer now on the way forward with my sons...
Glad to hear it! Hopefully, you can enjoy this time of peace/no chaos in your home and work on helping yourself through counselling and starting a new life, and your sons will see you happier/emotionally stable/healthier etc. This may draw them to you (cause them to want to spend more time with their stable mom...than their disfunctional dad).