I believe I may have stepped in it this time. Now, because of what I just did, she will read this thread. I emailed her, saying I miss her, and linked this thread for her to read. There is no mention of her name, and no one here knows who she is. She is safe. (When you read this, know that you are safe here)
I believe that this is the right place. You are the people that can help her. I know it, because I found help here too.
I believe that the people here can help her, if she would agree to interact with you.
I now believe that I was brought to this place for a reason.
I am following my heart....putting myself in HER shoes, re-reading this thread like crasy, knowing now that she will read this.
These are the people here, if anybody on the face of this planet can help.
Maybe the problem is me...and if it is, I want to find out. I trust that the people here will know what is up, real quick like.
It is not a challenge, it is a hopeful act on my part.
If she wants to tear me to pieces, so be it. But I love her, and I don't known what else to do but bring her here.