hi write and all :} i am bipolar 2... which is stabilised with meds.. and also ptsd .... most definitely partly from that feeling of constant agitation and non-safety as a kid (and adult).
i do have days when i become more agitated and i almost always have a lot of trouble sleeping. one reason is i have lots of nightmares, and also there is that thing about waking up into a hellish reality. :{{{ im so so sorry the mother who lost your boys. im so sorry. i dont know why but it does feel better, just not to sleep. feels safer. i dont know why. but, i understand just deciding not to sleep. it doesnt make sense but i know the feeling, and when im agitated, my body refuses to sleep. ill run through every technique i know some nights, sometimes ending with calling a hotline by dawn or so. and i already take sleep meds. on those nights they dont make a dent.
its a vicious cycle becuase the more agitated you get, the less you care for yourself i.e. eating sleeping etc and the less you eat sleep etc the more agitated you get, this is what i notice.
i have developed what i call 'techniques' lots of breathing exercises, visualisations, etc. eating, sleeping, reminding myself to do self care. i also keep a journal ( im soooo organised) and when i am having feelings that are difficult, i write them down, name the feelings, then how much i have to do my techniques in response. this allows me to track when these feelings come up and what they are at different times which can help me learn about them. invariably, my agitation increases anytime i am forced to have contact with my family. invariably. my agitation decreases, when i accomplished something that makes me feel competent, or helpful, or on days i am -guaranteed- to have nothing whatsoever to do with my family.

its like clockwork.
recently i heard of a very good new technique that ive been having a lot of success with which is 'color therapy'.
for all the visual people here, you imagine a color that corresponds to a feeling you desire. (a feeling such as being relaxed). so for me - the things that cause me the most anxiety are feeling alienated from my d. - and feeling people are controlling me and that im trapped. so, my 'color' that represents my d. and i having a totally uninterrupted, content healthy relationship that noone can corrupt is bright lemon yellow.
when i am feeling edgy and anxious becuase of distance from her, which is one of the things that causes me the most physical and mental anxiety ever, i concentrate on lemon yellow and it really helps me. it invokes the feeling that i wish for. its actually very calming.
my color for feeling free, relaxed, and uncontrolled by others is lavender sky blue. so when i want to feel free and relaxed i envision those colors.
those are some new techniques i jsut discovered that ive been liking a lot. i find that lifting weights or some exercise also helps. people hold tension in their muscles and if you can release some of that physically it can help mentally.
ive had success with hypnotherapy, which teaches you self-relaxation..... if i could afford it i would get a massage every single week. a -lot- of agitation is related to muscular tension i think.
my entire reality is an effort to stay calm basically.... it seems like i spend 90% of my waking energy on it. (and a lot of my sleeping energy) but, there it is. its what my life is right now.
my biggest weapon against it has been identifying early signs, and heading it off -before- it gets bad with my arsenal of 'techniques'.
take care alll. heres to rest for our minds and selves tonite.