Welcome! I think you are on the right track! I found that my fundamental belief system (what I believed about life, myself) was indeed at the heart of every single choice I made. Sounds like a "duh, of course" but for me it was huge. I was trying to change all these other things, but nothing changed because my essential belief system wouldn't support the change.
As soon as I recognized that was the issue....it set in motion a sequence of events that were very positive, in terms of my self awareness and growth and happiness.
Suddenly, all the books and tapes and information NOW MADE SENSE to me!!!
Among those: (you asked for resources):
ANY writings by Pema Chodron (Start Where You Are, When Things Fall Apart, and I have a lot of her tapes) (She is AMAZING....gets straight to the core of self concept and self compassion.....VERY helpful, an American Buddhist, really down to earth and funny but not preachy)
The Art of Happiness by the Dali Lama (writtten with an American Dr....big, overview topics, with advice for specific modern issues)
Fearless Living by Rhonda Britten (good ideas, but some "workbooky" stuff I don't care for)
The Dance of Anger by Harriet Lerner (ooh, I learned a lot about past patterns)
Different Drum, People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck (second one is about evil.....and narcissism)
Out of the Darkness and Into the Light, Teach Only Love by Gerald
Jampolski (a bit wordy)
The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle (get the companion littler version....its not so overwhelming)
The Secret of the Shadow by Debbie Ford ( very encouraging, all about self acceptance)
The Art of Possibility by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander (a little academic, but great little gems throughout)
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem by Wayne Dyer (very spiritual, yet not preachy)
and a million other places, things, readings, sayings, therapists, friends and PEOPLE ON THIS BOARD who have helped me to rebuild my core belief system into one that is in keeping with my own individual purpose!
The point is this: until I KNEW that change was possible, all the above resources fell on deaf ears.....when I woke up.....THAT'S when it all made sense!!!!!
A little bit here, a little bit there.....take what works and make it part of your true, undamaged, original loving self....and miracles happen!!!
Have FUN!!!!