I guess I should reply to my own thread.
Uh, maybe, but I doubt it. As I said the coarseness and hostility predates any pain people may be feeling over Katrina.
Its not political stuff that bothers me, its the tone of the political stuff. Some people here do not hesitate to paint any opposing viewpoint as racist, homophobic, rich people desiring to eat the young of the poor, ad nauseum. And that's to be taken as just friendly give and take I guess.
But I shudder to think of the firestorm were I to suggest that anyone disagreeing with me was an evil Christian hater who only feigned concern for the poor because they really want to go on the dole themselves and they're really closet racists who just want to keep black people down on Uncle Sam's plantation.
I'm kind of tired of the double standard that my MOTIVES and therefore character are always debatable but never anyone who disagrees with me. Its a form of intellectual bullying and displays a lack of confidence in their position. Thats why it strikes me as N like.
And I'm tired of incivility, and not just here.
I'll try to start more threads (and post to more threads) about personal relationships.
You're about to have a baby. Please don't spend your time trying to fix a problem I perceive. You've got more important things to do.
d's mom,
I'm not labeling disagreement as 'nastiness', just the name calling and questioning of people's motives, rather than reasonable discussion of topics.
And I'm not saying everyone has done it by any means.
But it has happened enough lately that I question the value of the board to me.
I'm not sure how I'm contributing to voicelssness of others when I am the one who said he was going to post less.

If others enjoy name calling and PC conformity, more power to 'em, just include me out.
I'm not deleting any posts, just cutting down on new ones.
