I want to tell you that your post helped me more than you can know. You described my relationship with X BF, and my reaction to it, perfectly. I'm in the stage of mourning our relationship where it is extremely difficult not to look for a reason to have some contact. Thanks to your post, you just made that easier. Where I was most vulnerable, he attacked. Disgusting.
What X BF did to me was nothing compared to XH's behavior. He discounted my feelings about his extremely inappropriate and destructive relationship with another woman. He called me every name in the book because I wouldn't accept it, and finally divorced him--controlling, bitchy, paranoid, jealous, hypocritical, abusive, mean, and on and on. Worse, he tried to convince the children that I was at fault for the divorce, keeping in line with his long standing behavior pattern of trying to make me the bad guy in almost every situation. He blamed me for his pornography and strip club use, and even his extramarital sexual encounters--saying I was a rebellious, disobedient wife.
Your post finally cemented for me that I absolutely should not take the behavior of these two men personally. The roots of my willingness to accept their mistreatment, until it became outrageous, stem from my childhood years. I may struggle again with the feeling part of relationshps, but I will never again accept mistreatment.
I agree with Hopalong. At the first sign of narcissism or abuse again, the appropriate response is to get out as quickly as possible. The hope that the person will change, given enough time, is magical thinking. I hope Dawning gets out of that relationship before she marries the guy. He sounded to me, too, like someone who thinks he is "more enlightened" than the rest of the world--thus he's puffed up that X GF seems to be benefitting from his great wisdom. XBF also looked at himself that way. One of his excuses for continuing on the personal sites, despite my distress about it, was that he could "help" some of the women who contacted him with his great advice. UGH!