Big hugs hon.
Sometimes I wonder if I should be trying to change myself or accept myself for who I am
I feel this is both Selkie hon. The way I see it is that unless we accept ourselves for who we are, how can we change ourselves to become the person we would like to be?
I wonder if I am keeping people at bay on purpose or do I have some innate feeling that this person in question will not meet my needs and I am thereby protecting myself. Should I just trust my inner judgement on this? Maybe it's just bad timing, and maybe this is a time to be alone with myself...
I feel that this could be both as well... but here you are opening up. I feel that here you are sharing your confusion and thoughts and that is opening up.... and I think that this is really great. Sometimes it's easier to take small steps, start small and build from there.
I think I just don't really like people. Even my friends, I keep changing my mind about them all the time. When I decide that I don't like them, I kinda prepare myself for permanent departure. It's like I am always sort of 'one foot out the door' just in case... My friendships are like those parties that you go to but you don't take off your coat in case you have to leave. The annoying thing is that it seems like the problem not only lies with me but with my friends also. We are similar. I tried to open myself up a little more to them recently as I was learning more about my behaviour with my counsellor, but it failed. I felt my friends weren't able to meet my needs and I was setting myself up for a big disappointment & hurt by opening myself to the wrong people. Is this my fate then? Will I end up like my Mother in an unhappy, unfulfilling marriage because that is all I will ever get? it seems I have been on the same road all my life, I can't see things changing now... Why can't i send myself people I can open up to and connect to? I know change must begin with me, but how long is this going to take?
While reading that you don't really like people.... I feel that if you really didn't you wouldn't be here. I'd be really interested to hear how you opened up and why you felt your friends weren't able to meet your needs? I also believe that we have a lot of power in ourselves to determine our own fate to some extent... in that if we don't like something, then we have the power to change it.... we have the power to stop ourselves going down the same road all our lives. Regarding ending up like your Mother... no I don't think you will... I feel maybe you could go a little easier on yourself. From a personal experience, I believe that we have to accept and love ourselves before anyone else can love us. I went through a lot of unhealthy types of relationships (mainly because I was looking for someone to give me love), but I am proud that I had the ability to learn from them, to change my destiny if you like. How long will it take? I don't know hon, but you said it yourself, you know it must begin with you... that is a huge first step of acceptance.
I sometimes feel I am the only one of my kind on the planet and everyone else is locked up in another world where I am shut out.
I grew up feeling like this... but it's not true. If you were own your own planet, we wouldn't understand you, and we do!
Animals are the only living creatures that I can ever open myself wholly to, as I am 100% sure they will not hurt me and there is no risk involved. This is why I adore my four legged friends.
This is fabulous Selkie... all your questioning... this shows that you can open up yourself to others. I feel that you are concerned about being hurt and taking a risk. When you posted here, you took a risk and opened up... we are not animals (at least I don't think so, though my legs are pretty hairy at the moment so I could be considered a monkey!!!). Unfortunately we have to take risks, or we'd just be a hermit with no contact with the outside world, however the best thing is that if anyone does hurt us, we have the power to say No... to say I'm sorry, I don't have to accept your behaviour, we have the power to not allow people to continue to hurt us once we have taken that initial risk.
I feel that you are doing really well Selkie. You are the person on my how to let go post that could see I was putting myself back into voicelessness... and this made a huge impact on me because it was something I could not see that I was doing to myself. I feel if you have even half of this insight with your current relationships, you can't go far wrong.
Take care
H&H xx