H&H said:
"Selkie hon
I can understand why you felt hurt with your friends... it depends what their lives are like, how much notice you gave them, do they work shifts etc etc etc. I don't have lots of friends, however I do have a few close friends. Trying to fit in when to see them is difficult... my husband works shifts, one of my friends works shifts, and another one has an evening job as well as working full time. I generally give them a ring in advance (mostly 2/3 weeks ahead) and try and organise a mutually convenient time for both of us. One of my friends works in various parts of the UK, and can be so busy she doesn't have time to return my calls, however I understand what her job is like so I accommodate accordingly.
By lowering your expectations, you can give people a licence to meet your needs if that makes any sense. Personally I think your friends could have texted you back before the arranged meet up time, depending on how much notice they had, but as I don't know them, or what their lives are like this is difficult for me to speculate. I have also had times where my friends has either not got messages, or thought they'd texted me when they hadn't... that kind of thing, however they have always apologised and are sorry they let me down.
Friends, as with any kind of relationship, takes effort and the more responsibility and busier our lives become, the more effort it takes. There is also the possibility with your friends, that if you decided to contact them, and it was out of the norm for you (and I am only speculating here), then they might not feel they need to make the effort with you. It depends as if they texted you afterwards did you say.... I thought you might have let me know beforehand, and I was hurt that you didn't. No one wants to hurt their friends.
Maybe some thoughts to ponder on...."
You see this is where the confusion is, I never had a problem with my friends before my counsellor suggested that I may be avoiding intimacy in my friendships. grrrrrrr! She's really planted a seed in my head that has niggled ever since...
I then set about really trying to prove her wrong.
As a result, I felt as though I was pushing my friendships a bit too much, having high expectations and then getting angry/pissed off/disappointed/hurt when my expectations were not met.
I raised my expectations, because that's what I did essentially. I set out to be intimate! Talk about setting myself up! Why did my counsellor do this to me?
My friends, my lifestyle and London really gets in the way of this. You have to plan things, it takes an hour to cross the city! -you have to have money, you have to have time off work, and all of this has to coincide with another person! It's hard. We are all so busy-I am too. I work two jobs trying to make ends meet and pay off my student debt.
So H&H what you are saying is right. I really agree with you, and this is how I have always perceived it. My friends are fine but they can't give me any more at the moment because life gets in the way, and to be quite honest, I kinda can't give anymore either, but I am on this trip to try to prove my counsellor wrong. I am needlessly stressing over this.
I think I need a counsellor just to get over my last counsellor! I know my counsellor didn't mean to, but she really touched a nerve.
Also, H&H, you said that maybe my friends didn't get my texts etc and maybe they had an excuse etc, -you hit the nail on the head! They have totally been aware of being flaky and have apologised and stuff, my friends phone broke and other stuff happened but for some reason I am overlooking this and playing victim. I just cannot shake it off. It's horrible. I am creating this and I just can't shake it off. It's like I am trying to turn myself off my friends. What the F**?
A horribly confused,