I just scanned your last post. Good stuff. I’m going to read it properly later. It’s great H&H. In the meantime, here’s some more.
Ohhhhh it hurts my head reading his stuff!
This 'life' comes from a man and woman having sex. (Don't complicate the issue with artificial inscemination etc) To continue life, this 'sex drive' is very powerful, the most powerful urge we have. It is an irritional urge, as it means intense pain for the woman, and years of hard labour caring for his family for the man.Can I just say: bollocks. Not only is this just soooo…ooo..STUPID and childish and uninformed and preachy crap, it’s also not appropriate from a father to daughter. And he talks to you as if you’re about 10. It’s so patronising.
So the best teachers, the ones who understand you the best, are your natural mother and father.This is such simplistic bullshit! :mrgreen:This is making me so annoyed it’s almost funny! God help us. It’s also manipulative: “who understand you best” yeah babe! I know how your brain works! I understand you best so therefore I know what’s best for you! BRAINWASHING TECHNIQUE

. Oops sorry. Getting too annoyed.

A very simple and silly example. Suppose I don't like potatoes (any food) but I say I do to please you (my wife). You give me potatoes to eat everyday, so I am unhappy as I don't like them. That is my fault, and I should live with it, not get someone else who does not give me potatoes.I tried to read from the top, all of it, to this point (have to admit I struggled to read every line, it’s just too mind-warpingly bad) and I got to this and I thought, no, correction, I
felt it. Yeah. I agree with you H&H, this is off-kilter. Something is wrong with (my wife). It doesn’t make sense. Why did he specify?
This is
really weird. Can you find the post where you talked about the potato thing? Do I remember correctly? That he was annoyed with you, for feeding him (mashed??) potatoes? Can you tell me about that again? perleeease???
In the meantime, some more. But please, I’m fascinated by that potato thing. Is that sad or what? haha that I'm fascinated!
It's funny what you say about asking questions.... I was encouraged to ask questions so we can "listen and learn together". Ohhhh eeeewwwwwwww! ICKY ICKY ICKY. Boundary violation! You’re the child, he’s the parent! He’s not supposed to learn with you, at least he’s not supposed to say so. That makes you the parent to him!
Do you know what this means? To him this means that I can ask questions which is fine as long as I come to the same conclusion as him.Yes I know. It’s a one-way street. With no escape.
Before I started this I thought he was odd... my H thought he was odd as well. So my thinking was odd doesn't equal mentally unbalanced.... However, yes I do think he's in another reality and yes Portia, I do think he's irrational. But then I thinkOkay what do you think mentally unbalanced means? I think I was mentally unbalanced until I came here. Not ‘insane’ but definitely off-balance, not ‘healthy’. Lots of people ‘function’ in society but that doesn’t mean they’re all at the same place in their heads. Functioning is eating, sleeping, washing, holding down a job or getting money and managing it. We can go home and chew the carpet and we won’t be thought insane. A little unusual in our eating habits perhaps. All I mean is there’s a range, a spectrum of mental ‘health’ and your Dad is not where you are. One view of insanity is that it’s not knowing the difference between what’s in your head, and what’s not in your head – hearing voices, seeing things that everyone else doesn’t see etc. Your Dad’s views about ‘reality’ and ‘facts’ are a little off the norm.
What bugs me.... most of it bugs me. It really seems to matter to me with his saying about divorce. Your natural parents should stay together because they know best, that they are best people to bring you up... and then I think comparing me to an animal.... yeah, great that he thinks that but it didn't happen... they split up and now because HE didn't bring me up I didn't get the best apparently. This is twisting the facts the suit his own inflated image of himself. He’s twisting facts. He’s denying your true reality, your true childhood, your self. Is it any wonder he bugs you? Do you have a right to your own version of your childhood? Or do you simply exist only in the way that he sees you?
He has no idea what it was like for me... he never had to juggle his parents and he hasn't even got enough empathy to begin to understand what it was like for me. He doesn't know what I like or dislike, he doesn't know who I am, he doesn't know my sense of humour.I’m sorry but you know you’re right. I know it hurts and it makes me angry.
The bit about self control and sexual urges I find very scary.... he has to control his urges? Why? Because he’s fucked up, to be blunt for a change. Are you scared that he’s saying his sexual urges might have overflowed a little in your direction, in his head, if not actually in reality? This communication with you IN ITSELF is crossing boundaries. Fathers don’t discuss sexual urges with their daughters. Do they?

:Dear Board members: I need some feedback here. Do healthy, loving fathers ever discuss sexual urges with their daughters? I need a reality check please.
What matters to me is that instead of feeling sorry for him, I find him mental and scaryI find him mental and scary. Seriously. Who said you have to feel sorry for him? Do you feel sorry for you?
.... It bugs me that there is nothing I can do about itYou can change your mind. You can keep thinking about it. You can change yourself. You can change your attitude towards him. You can not care quite so much. All this is do-able!
, it bugs me that he's never been a dad to me
and bugs me even more that he blames me for that. Yeah, well, I’m inclined towards castration

and forehead tattooes for parents who behave like this to their kids. I kind of run out of patience and tolerance and all that good stuff. I sort of lean towards annihilation at this point.
The way he is, who he is BUGS ME! I’m not surprised. You know, it’s not your fault that he bugs you. It’s not because you’re ‘wrong’ or ‘unbalanced’. We treat children a certain way and it’s a case of cause and effect. You are bothered by him because of who he is and who he was to you when you were young. You can’t help it. But you can think about it and challenge some of your childhood beliefs – such as believing that you’re not interesting enough to listen to!
Potatoes. Enquiring minds want to know!

See you anon, P