Author Topic: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....  (Read 9509 times)


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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #45 on: January 20, 2006, 04:12:11 AM »
Hiya all

I don't know if you remember, but a while ago I said about a day when I was 7 and going to my dad's when there was an horrendous fire across the road which killed 3 children I played with.

I remember Dad saying that there was a lot of mental illness in the family, mother and 3 youngest children, however the two eldest boys and the father who worked away alot were ok.  I used to play with these kids in the street sometimes when I saw dad for the day.  The third eldest was about 12 and was about the same height as me, and the girl, the youngest was about the same age of me, and looked like a three year old.

Looking back, it's quite easy to see that these children were incredibly negleted, they were so small and dirty.....

Anyway.... on dad's postings, he's actually wrote a bit about it, so I thought I would post it here:-

What a terrible situation to have found yourself in Steve.

I used to think I would be competent and capable if I came across an emergency.......that is until it happened.

In 1982 the house opposite caught fire. A 'socially challenged' family where 3 lost their lives. I had known the family, but when asked by the fireman how many children I stammered 3, when in fact there were 4. Shock makes you almost incapable of thought.

You do get desensitized to it, so you can function in a crisis, as the police, members of the armed forces etc. do. And it's called experience of course, of which there is no substitute.

H&H xx
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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #46 on: January 20, 2006, 06:14:09 AM »
Good Morning H&H :D, glad you’ve come back to this thread (I had a thought maybe I’d ‘spoiled’ it with those weirdo whacko folks up there! Nasty stuff and altogether human. If it bothered anyone, I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to. Okay, I think I’ve beaten myself up about that enough and I’m letting myself off that hook. Good. 8))

Interesting stuff, yes I remember the fire. So there were 5 children in all?

What do you think about what your Dad’s said about it?


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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #47 on: January 20, 2006, 07:46:42 AM »
Good Morning H&H :D, glad you’ve come back to this thread (I had a thought maybe I’d ‘spoiled’ it with those weirdo whacko folks up there! Nasty stuff and altogether human. If it bothered anyone, I’m sorry, I didn’t intend to. Okay, I think I’ve beaten myself up about that enough and I’m letting myself off that hook. Good. 8))

Interesting stuff, yes I remember the fire. So there were 5 children in all?

What do you think about what your Dad’s said about it?


It didn't bother me.... keep talking Portia hon, and you certainly didn't spoil this thread.  In my opinion you didn't need to beat yourself up at all!!

Well for me this is interesting.  I'm not bothered by what he has said at all.... it's just about himself again and I can honestly say hand on heart I don't care.

Knowing what I know now, and thinking back, I think he only let me play with them so he could think how good his daughter looked against his neighbours children.  Sick huh!

H&H xx

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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #48 on: January 20, 2006, 07:56:04 AM »
H & H, hon--hope you don't mind more dissection of your dad:

I used to think I would be competent and capable if I came across an emergency.......that is until it happened.

In 1982 the house opposite caught fire. A 'socially challenged' family where 3 lost their lives. I had known the family, but when asked by the fireman how many children I stammered 3, when in fact there were 4. Shock makes you almost incapable of thought.

Is he saying that he wa responsible for the death of an extra child because he said 3 instead of 4? I doubt it. It's very dramatic-sounding though. It may be more likely that it was irrelevant...people had already died in the fire and he was just one of people around to be asked various questions by firefighters.

More to the point, in his story everything, as usual, comes back to the magnificence of him. Despite the creepily self-deprecating tone of the first paragraph, takes him no time at all to reach the point where the profound [read: irrelevant] details of his moment of shock shove the death of 3 human beings off center stage.

(And natch, by the end, he's comparing himself to heros in the military and police.) Fascinating. A nebulous man standing on his porch mumbles something to a firefighter, and within just a few lines, you start to realize you're supposed to be thinking you're being addressed by a war hero, a mighty cop, a secret agent...but, wait. Wasn't this supposed to be about...STEVE?

Right! Who remembers Steve? Evidently Steve has just been through some terrible experience...hmm, and he wrote to your Dad for comfort...yes, that's it. Poor Steve, he doesn't know who he's dealing with. He and his tragedy just vanished from Ndad's brain. They were just a trigger for more chest-thumping.

You do get desensitized to it, so you can function in a crisis, as the police, members of the armed forces etc. do. And it's called experience of course, of which there is no substitute.

Sorry, but it's disgusting. A friend writes him about a shock or tragedy, and Ndad turns his response into an operatic opportunity to brag about himself once again. Friend's tragedy, oh and let's throw in the death of children...ANYTHING is fuel for the Dance-Around-MEEEEEEE bonfire.

Great, pithy example of the whole core N thing in all its ugliness, imho.

However, there was clearly a recessive gene buiried in him somewhere...because no matter HOW creepy this man is (and boy is he creepy) some biological surprise (nature is full of them, don't worry, it's not that odd)---he begat a wonderful, radiant-spirited, kind and smart daughter.

Whom he of course will never appreciate because....she might as well have been across the street.

It's not so much malevolence, I think, as the absence of good.

Unlike YOU, H & H, who are good through and through.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #49 on: January 20, 2006, 08:19:57 AM »
I can tell you about Steve.... The post was started by another guy, who had the misfortune of finding a body in the river when he was out boating....

Steve replied saying he understood because there was a time when he was out and the police were looking for an 8 year old boy which they found while he was there.  You could tell this guy was really traumatised by it.

I am so busy.... I HAVE to work....  must dash xx
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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #50 on: January 23, 2006, 08:49:01 AM »

It amazes me your ability to see through all of this.  He was just one of the people around to be asked various questions by firefighters.

It's bizarre how he classes getting desensitized as experience and then there's no substitute.... substitute for what????

And this just makes me laugh....
"What a terrible situation to have found yourself in Steve"

The worst thing about this is that he doesn't have a clue.... I can imagine his voice saying this in the distant, not really interested voice that he has... And apparently Steve just found himself in that situation.  Not sure what to make of that one.

I'm glad you find him creepy Hoppy.... I find him creepy, but it's nice to hear someone else does as well.

I'm not sure about being good through and through though.... No one is that.  Plus with work I'm making so many mistakes... I just can't seem to concentrate!!!!!!!!  And it's really frustrating for me, and the poor people who have to work with me.

H&H xx
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #51 on: January 23, 2006, 09:36:05 PM »
He's creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy,

And you ARE good through and through. Didn't say perfect, said GOOD!

(((((((((Good H&H)))))))))))

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #52 on: January 24, 2006, 08:02:32 AM »
Thank you Hoppy... you are a sweetie.

This amused me.... it's another one of his posts and it's called............ (drumroll please)................
Attitude or how you get on with people  :lol: :lol:
Here's a little hug for u
To make you smilie while ur feeling blue
To make u happy if you're sad
To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
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Hugs r better when u share
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Hop guest

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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #53 on: January 24, 2006, 09:51:19 AM »
I just went and read his profile on Jessie and it made my skin crawl.
(I"m sure she's a lovely dog, it was the projections.)

"only species that perceives love as a reward"
"most intelligent of all species although it's actually fourth"
"looking butch"
"my mother was a loose woman"

Iggghhh. Just suggests very creepy things to me about his inner landscape and his most primal feelings about women. (Which we already know about from how he treats his daugher, alas...)

((((H & H)))))))



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Re: Choices & how to teach your daughter about the facts of life....
« Reply #54 on: January 24, 2006, 11:43:58 AM »

He wrote Jessie's autobiography when he was probably at his worst, after Jessie had died and suffering from depression.  It's funny but "I was born to what I can only assume was a loose woman" is exactly the phrase my friend picked up on, when she looked at me and said "somethings not right there!"

There are so many things in it that I find disturbing, especially as Jessie was a lovely dog.... she was half alsation/half doberman and she was a great big softie.

Ok... things I find disturbing....

Boss, obviously upset was seeing to my needs as best he could, but his own difficulties were only too apparent
That he calls himself boss throughout the whole thing.... that he was trying his best but obviously had his own difficulties.

I cried out, as if in terrible distress, and so forcing his hand. In all my time with him, this was the first I had asked for his help.
I don't like the "forcing his hand".... forcing it to do what.... And the first time Jess had asked for help... blimey, clever dog, could feed itself and take itself for a walk!!!

The only animal I have trouble communicating with is man
She was a dog.... what was she supposed to do.... have an indepth conversation about politics....

Judging from my perspective I think I should be at the top, a point also held by quite a few people
Projection at it's best.... this is exactly what bio dad thinks!

I was born to what I can only assume was a loose woman, who, although a gentle creature with a soft, mainly brown coat, had it away with a big black man. My mother was the type, known as an Alsatian, or German Shepherd. She was taken to a stud kennel, but got out and was mated by a Doberman. German shepherds are intelligent, if a little laid-back, where as the Doberman remains childish, and is full of energy
This is totally made up.... She was got from a rescue centre and he had no clue to her background because the rescue centre didn't know!  Amazing that her mother was a loose woman who had it away with a big black man!

And that's only the first page......
Here's a little hug for u
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To let u know, life ain't so bad
Now I've given a hug to u
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