Hiya H&H

Why was I angry? You Dad treats you worse than my mum treated me. I still get angry about my mum, so reading your Dad’s verbiage just gets me mad with these folks. But I’m not as angry as I sound. I want
you to be angry. If you want to .
How does it feel to be an adult abused child? Well I laughed initially.... who me, an adult abused child... then I thought shit.... and now I think hey ho, I'm still ok.Laughed because it seems unlikely? Then, “hmm, probably true, shit!” And yes you’re still okay. Why not? But why the ‘shit’ as it errrr appears? Does being abused as a kid make you a bad person now? Nope. But it does define what your parents did – they abused you. Does it matter what they are (if you were diagnosing their problems)? Does it matter more what the effect of their abuse was on you?
Homecoming is subtitled ‘reclaiming and championing your inner child’. It’s a work-through-book, detailing the problem and suggesting solutions. Heavy stuff. I tended to scorn and scoff at ‘inner child’ work at first. Very American. Scorning and scoffing were of course my false self reactions, defences against something I didn’t like – my inner child. I really didn’t like my inner child. Felt very ashamed and dismissive of little P. Didn’t want to know. I started reading this book and had a bad reaction so I stopped – until now. Now it feels right. Like I said, it’s heavy stuff. But I’ve moved from being a sceptic to a wary try-it-out person.
I mean really confused me. Because it says of course I'm interested in you... what is wrong with you that makes you think I'm not!Yah. You think what IS wrong with me? Confusion is normal. Reality comes when you know, for sure, he’s not interested in you. When you can accept that. It takes a long time. It’s achievable though. If you want to go back and feel sad for little H&H who was confused about why her parents didn’t seem to care.
I once said to someone I was ok when people got to know me. I was given the answer 'yes, but why should they bother'. I learnt from that, in fact as usual it's easy to be wise after the event.
Bizarre.... don't know what else to say except bizarre.This was a shaming event for your Pa. This hurt him but he doesn’t know it so he repeats it you, wanting to somehow negate the offence. It’s a great example of non-logic. That’s what they use, non-logic. It’s a logic (reality) all of their own, which we don’t share, thank goodness. Bizarre? Indeed yes.
Actions speak louder than words, don't they? Every time. But they use words to crazy-make us.
This pees me off.... I see so little of you apart from when you came to me... as you haven't come to me, it's no surprise that we didn't understand each other.I’m glad this pees you off. Put the responsibility where it lies – with the parent, not the child!
I know you like, and are interested in food. It's just I find life has so much to offer, and so many interesting things to do, that I've never really had time to bother much with the delights of eating.Grandiosity (I’m so wonderful and my enjoyments are worth so much more than yours!) – the delights of eating, total put-down of your enjoyments. He has to be superior. That’s how he survives – by using you as a foil.
Again there's that "I understand because I'm your father"... Bullshit and bollocks....Love it! The B&B that is.
walked back into town past the gates. This took some doing, but I had to go into town to the market stall (despite what you think, some days it is difficult for me to walk too far, or I suffer if I do) He’s shaming you here “despite what you think” (you bad daughter). Suffer? I’m crying into my coffee – not.
and it was a long way to walk back around and over the bridge. Soon I was walking past daily, as there is now a footpath alonside the river up to the Lock. It took about a year, but I can now walk past without making myself do it, or even thinking about it.Oh goody-gumdrops for you! Aren’t you clever and so brave and courageous to….. go for a walk!! Pass the sick-bag.
BUT the children have to respect you, and your views. This is the main reason for most of societies ills today.BUT YOU HAVE TO RESPECT YOUR CHILDREN AND THEIR VIEWS. The fact that parents do not respect their children is the absolute uncontroversial

reason for most of society’s ills today!! (Which society are we talking about here? The Co-Operative society?)
I'm not too bothered about tradition, I’m minimising your marriage. One of the biggest days of your life. :xWhat a great Dad I am – not.
and I've enough strength of character now, not to worry what people think of me, however unfair that might be.Again, puffing himself up in false superiority. ‘However unfair that might be’ – presumably he means however unfairly others think of him? Like you H&H I just lost interest! I don’t care!
They will not accept they are the one at fault.Here speaks the truth. It’s just about the wrong person!
sorry for the overuse of the word bollocks.... need better swear wordsbunkum, claptrap, nonsense, rubbish, garbage, baloney, twaddle, drivel, gibberish, hot air, babble – and that’s not even swearing!!
I'm getting bored now.... blah blah blah.....I agree with Hop, I love this. Very healthy!

Your Pa is an
ignoranus – stupid and an asshole.
I'm feeling really angry and upset about all this now. Upset? Define upset. Angry and ….. ? Guilty? Sad? Ashamed? Distressed like you want to yowl like a two-year old?
It feels very kiddified, if that makes any sense... like I want to have a big childish strop. Little H&H does want exactly that. Maybe even needs it.
However the adult in me, stops this.Big H&H says ‘no’ - be an adult. Why? What’s the worse that could happen? As long as you don’t act out on others, or act in and swallow your anger, making you ill….how about seeing what it feels like to be little H&H? This ain’t easy though. Bringing up all the emotion from the past. If it feels overwhelming, stop. Seriously.
What I don't like however is where I came from.... I'm not sure what I'm trying to say really, so I'm going to leave it for a bit.....Please believe me:
Your childhood was icky. Your parents treated you badly.
YOU are not icky. YOU the child was/is a wonderful person. H&H age 1, 2, 3, 4, 5….and so on was lovable,




curious, life-affirming being. You weren’t defective, wrong, bad or at fault. Your parents were. Just because you were part of that family doesn’t mean you’re faulty. You survived and continued being lovable, warm, honest…etc.
Why don’t you like where you came from? Feel bad about you the little girl? Why?
Was she to blame for how she was treated?You weren’t a mistake. You were a wonderful gift, born to people who couldn’t accept the gift, who didn’t know or see what a truly joyful gift they had. Their problem, not yours.
"Why do I exist?"I’m here by the wonderful chance and luck of the universe. I have no reason to be here other than to be here. I exist therefore I am. I am fulfilling being who I am and I can’t be otherwise. That's me

Ask yourself why do you not
not exist? I ask myself why aren’t I dead and that’s interesting! I survived because: (and I list the reasons). Now I’m really here, I don’t need to know why. I can just enjoy it!
Take it easy H&H. You are a joy. I mean that. And you always were a joy, always. You are and were perfect to the world. You don’t need a reason to exist.