thanks, H&H...
she's just too fast for me.
Before I could talk through any of those things I took care of her this a.m. and she wanted to spend the day in her room...brought her breakfast, brought up a lunch, went to church, came back, she was napping, left her a note that I'd be out during the afternoon but everything was set for her lunch...
Not Good Enough. She was annoyed that I wasn't there so by the time I got back at 4:00 she (fully dressed, having a cuppa, had obviously managed just fine)--she had called my Nbrother and he was on his way from halfway across the country. Her excuse: well, I need more HELP, and you didn't say what time you'd be BACK.... (IOW, this is payback because I dared to defy her and take off to give myself a break. I went to see a damn movie.)
I had spent HOURS this wknd assuring her about this and that, fetching and stepping, printing off things from the Internet for her, answering endless questions, etc, etc. We had agreed we'd go chat with her doctor about a home health aide, etc...
Anyway, I lost it. Blew up, bawled and raged. Because I heard him call her back (her phone is amplified) and he said: I'm coming to take care of everything and you and I will go visit the retirement homes tomorrow. Long story shorter, she acknowledged that she'd urged him to come rescue her since "you are too busy to take care of me..." And then I heard him tell her that I am only here because of my "selfish agenda" and that he has to come now to make sure that "she is protected."
After 7 years of changing her diapers (and before that, my father's)--when he was nowhere in sight for DEACDES except for the occasional call and visit, all of a sudden NOW he needs to "take charge." And she's manipulated him, and me...and I have just had it.
It's all over, far as I'm concerned. The only thing I asked her for was to please give me the mental space and serenity I need so that I can find a new job first, before any major changes. So BAM, she creates a huge crisis. She is not sick, was not in danger, was just having an off day. But when I take care of myself, I pay.
She agreed to call him back and put hiim off, so he's coming next week. But my world's up in the air again (no house to count on, and the menacing brother coming to act like he is taking charge).
I can't tell you how much I resent it and I just snapped. I have been so taken for granted by this voracious woman. And my brother has never given one shit about me or my wellbeing. Not once in all the years I've been here has he ever said one word like, "How is it going for you?" Much less, thank you for taking care of our parents...
So I am about to have a nervous breakdown from the stress of it. I loathe her and I fear him (he's unstable, a VietNam vet who's obsessed with guns, and a pathological liar).
I am going to do what I can to get a job and then get out of here. If she's going to sell the house out from under us so she can have room service at a fancy facility, she's welcome to. But I'm not setting my jobhunt aside to prepare the house for sale, and I'm damned if I'll be much interested in visiting.
God, I just can't handle it. Any trace of defiance or assertiveness and she pulls this game. She knows I fear my brother so he's her trump card, and fine. They can have each other. I'm out of here as soon as I can find a job and an apartment. And she can just rent some love, because mine's worn out.