Hi Marta
you can be a cold, hard person and still believe in abstract values of Truth and JusticeI agree. Like Marlon Brando in Apocalypse Now too? It depends on your perception of what truth and justice are too. Truth is tricky. God or no God? Justice – death penalty good or bad? Etc!
I’d rather talk about reality than truth (as in absolute truth). My reality versus your reality (or my truth versus your truth?). So if 99 people agree that reality is what is actually written in a legal document, that is reality to me. If I don’t agree with it, I’m probably an N or other disordered personality/psyche.
Reality is key for me. Ns live in an alternative reality I think, where the normal rules of life (like getting old, death, taxes, running out of money, being fired for doing a rubbish job etc) don’t seem to apply. They construct their realities to fit their fantasies of themselves – very dangerous behaviour as if they go too far, stark reality can come crashing in on them (death, the police visit, the IRS visit, they go to prison, they lose the job).
They don’t inhabit the same world as us. It must be like a parallel universe! And they are the centre around which everything else revolves. Scary stuff.
So do they lie? Or do they create a reality that is acceptable to them and see it as true? I’ve seen con-men and other N-type folks take lie detector tests on tv and pass them, even though the facts (the gathered evidence about their actions) says the opposite to their answers. They believe their own lies. So that makes it their truth, in some sense.
They're not lying because they know it’s lying: they're lying because they cannot bear the truth.
They reject the truth as unreal. In my opinion! And yes, I’ve heard lots and lots of it. Total distortions of reality and outright denial of others’ thoughts and feelings.
"Get out, go anywhere, I don't care".Sorry H&H.

He isn’t fit to be a father. In my world

, he’d have failed the test necessary to get the Parent Licence and would have been sterilised until he could prove himself fit and capable. Which will probably be never. Too bad for him, sad for you H&H.
Gotta go, Portia on the go