Author Topic: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.  (Read 18700 times)


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #15 on: March 17, 2006, 12:35:39 AM »
If the subject is of an eternal nature and my firmly held belief is that 'another path to God' is in fact a deception and is leading that person to hell then I have a moral obligation to tell that person my belief.

Mudpup: bringing this over from the other thread....because:
I see no difference in what you say (above) and why Write felt compelled to comment on the subject of demons. Her firmly held belief was stated with all the respect due and with no less moral obligation than what you state as a belief above.

Thank you, Write. I will refrain from elaborating on my take on your take ( nauseum) You have very consisely and wisely made your point with clarity. I see my part in continuing this unhealthy discussion and will stop.


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #16 on: March 17, 2006, 12:45:54 AM »
the discussion is not unhealthy.
A belief in demons is.

And reallyMe I am very sorry if you have had people tell you you are possessed and have performed some kind of ritual cleansing on you. That was cruel and abusive of them. You have been misled by an unhealthy group of people. Maybe Ns or other sick people were involved.

But that you would now perpetuate it is your choice. You chose to bring it to this forum, which deals primarily with mental health and recovery issues.

And others chose to join in.


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #17 on: March 17, 2006, 05:02:31 AM »
Write and Mum,
I understand. I do grasp the darkness of the concept. I don't like it either. I can also imagine how vulnerable people with mental illness might be negatively affected. However, I still return to freedom and intention. I do understand how the topic is repellent and fearful and may seem unevolved to most people who are savvy and smart and use the internet to read up on psychological issues and find support and community.

However, I also Googled demonology and the town in Tennessee that ReallyME mentioned, and see a real course that is clearly taught by convicted Pentecostals or people with similar beliefs.

The reason I stayed open to it, is because these Tennessee people feel familiar to me, and not evil.I have many fundamentalist relatives. With my strong beliefs in accepting and respecting others' religious is a cue to me to listen harder and try not to demonize those with radical faiths I do not understand.

The reason this came to be important in my life is that one relationship summed up the dilemma for me. I had an uncle who was a preacher, literally preaching in an old barn, and he preached many Old Testament texts and in a fundamentalist mindset that I had long since dismissed. I had to grapple for a long time with the fact that I loved this uncle despite many of his scary beliefs, that I dismissed. I also pondered the fact that of all my relatives, this uncle walked the Christian walk in a way I was moved by. He spent every single Saturday night visiting extremely poor people in tiny little country nursing home. Many of these old people had noone else, and had been abandoned. He was doing more things that were loving and right, in service to others, than I ever have. Yet, he told me things such as, I am so worried for your soul that I nearly wore out the knees of my pajamas praying for you last night! (Because I was Unitarian, divorced, and more...SO different from the path he believed was right.) That morning, after I'd spent the night on their farm, I just said, well Uncle, that's why I slept so well. And what I meant is, I know that my uncle genuinely loved me. His inner crusade to "save" me was motivated by love. He hated to travel and he drove across two states to visit me at my college in the late 60s when he was worried about me.

The place where ReallyME studied and had her experience is Tennessee. I lived in Appalachian Kentucky at one point, working at an orphanage. We interacted with many people who had such alien beliefs...possession, snake handling, speaking in tongues (I witnessed this as well). I do not accept or share any of these beliefs or practices.

What I'm trying to get at is that I experienced these people as good people. Rigid and intolerant is one way to describe their beliefs, as I feel is true with any sect that is fundamentalist, whether Christian, Islamist, or whatever. (To my mind, it might as well be voodoo.) In my education and middle class experience they might have been primitive. But these Appalachian people were also strong, admirable, extremely poor...and when they came to our events down by the river they would sing the old songs from the early religion that so many of my relatives had known, and their voices moved me.

I noted that the little evangelist school that ReallyME referred to also runs a home for unwed mothers, and collects food for the hungry. They walk the walk. So...I just choose to stay open.

Rituals I don't get, and different ways of grappling with the darkness in life...I feel that although there is potential harm in any of it, there is also potential good. It all depends on the intention. I know Al Queda grew popular because they also fed people, and paid I do understand the connection between radical religion and community influence, for good or ill.

But I don't see these evangelical Appalachian sects, that remind me of many early American Protestant Al Queda. They're not killing. They are trying to save people, in the ritual and the language that is real to them.

I don't share this reality but I can't bring myself to try to ban it. From here, from the world. I can express my disagreement, my more "modern" and liberal ideas about mental health and spirituality.

But my uncle loved me. And I loved him. In honor of his memory, I defend ReallyME's right to tell the story of her experience and her convictions, even though I do not believe them myself.

I simply have to trust that even if someone is mentally ill and vulnerable, the intelligence that brings them to find this board, which has so many, many valuable threads and different ways of approaching healing, such a rich variety of voices and discussions...that same healing intelligence would guide them away from this and the other controversial thread if there is danger for them there. (I know there was an earlier thread I decided to delete all my posts from, because I found a voice there was threatening to my inner peace. And I am still here, and I am well.)

Does this make any sense, Write and Mum? I coudln't respect two people more than I do you, and I sincerely understand your objections to this topic. I just honestly have to respect others' voices here too, if I feel their intention is innocent.

Maybe Doc G would have an opinion, if you are deeply concerned. I know at times people do get upset when this board drifts off the original outlines of its topic...but ReallyME wanted to talk about narcissism too. Should we shut her up? I can't. I am very sorry about your distress and I respect your concern for vulnerable newcomers here.

Love to all,

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

portia 'Wanga'

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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #18 on: March 17, 2006, 05:13:38 AM »
Morning Hops, I see your post but should I stop my post because of your very serious post?

No. Here goes. Note: Play is a very serious matter.

Hey Write :D good morning

I'm having trouble taking this thread seriously this morning, how about you?

I don't know actually how people define 'demons'? I have very little knowledge in this area. I did a Google on demonology courses just for the hell of it, or for the heaven of it? interesting stuff.

What is a demon? I have no idea. Do you know what one is supposed to be? If you say they don't know what they are supposed to be? I don't. I really don't. It's beyond me.

I like this: very interesting. Really. Fascinating.

And then i thought I'd look for voodoo dolls and spell kits and so on. There's so much that you can buy to help you! I love it "Emergency Spells! Urgent! If your need is immediate and time is short! Click here now!"

Hey I gotta get me a Luck Wanga just for the name alone.

Oh my: "The Unconditional Love Spell - Receive the love you’ve always yearned for!"  :shock: :shock: :shock: It's that easy???? Where's my credit card? Quick quick! My time is short...

"Witch Doctor Spell Kits - These do-it-yourself spell kits are powerful, spiritual rituals and are not to be taken lightly!" this is the one for me!  :D :D :D

Fool? Money? Parted? Easily?

Truth: I own two packs of Tarot Cards :shock: absolutely true. And an assortment of astrology books. And an Ephemeris (1950 to 2000 if anyone wants the info) but.....I still don't know....

what is a demon? :?


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #19 on: March 17, 2006, 05:16:05 AM »
I would frankly say to anyone who wants to be mentally well- stay away from medieval occult imagery, why torment yourself or make yourself afraid?

But someone who suffers delusional illness ( and severe depression can cause psychosis ) MUST avoid such concepts and be firmly convinced in the ability of their rational mind to know what is real outside of themselves.

Write...I completely agree with this advice. I think if a person feels fear on reading this thread, they definitely should avoid it.  In my own case, though I also want to be mentally well, I don't feel threatened by the discussion. But there have been times earlier in my life when deep anxiety states would--and did--make me vulnerable to some dark currents.

I still have faith in the overall intention here, for good and for acceptance and for I hope the existence of this thread won't destabilize anyone (You are not hypnotized! Your inner drive toward Light and Wholeness is in charge!) or drive anyone away.

I may not post much more in this discussion myself...I think with the story about my uncle and Appalachia, I've probably said my piece...

Peace which passeth all all...


« Last Edit: March 17, 2006, 05:23:03 AM by Hopalong »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #20 on: March 17, 2006, 05:39:25 AM »
Well I’m still here. I haven’t been struck down by some curse yet. And I haven’t had any visions. And I haven’t seen any inanimate objects crying milk (if I did, I’d want to take them apart and see how they worked).

Hop, just read your post properly. I hadn’t read it before I wrote mine above.

Your interpretation of your uncle’s love for you is wonderful. I like your message which I feel is: if people do good, they do good. If people do harm, they do harm. It doesn’t matter what their beliefs are – it’s their actions that count. I agree.

Just read your follow up post Hops. When you say “vulnerable to some dark currents” what do you mean?

And just to inject a little more (possible?) humour into this thread, when you said “try not to demonize those with radical faiths I do not understand” I did nearly fall off my chair – it’s my extrapolation of that thought…..People who believe in demons are demons! :D

It’s like “I can’t stand people who are intolerant!”

Hops, I don’t think I have an inner drive to light and wholeness. I have an inner drive towards reality with a capital R. My reality is what I make it. Other’s realities are what they make it.

Back in my real world, I am going to have a coffee and Write, those cheesey oatcakes are still on offer if you fancy one.


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #21 on: March 17, 2006, 05:54:29 AM »
Hmmm, Portia...vulnerable to dark currents, whaddid I mean...

I am not too specifically sure how to express it, but probably because of those scary Old Testament relatives, and raging panic disorder, and my fear and love about being alienated from my family...I had become A Poet fer godssake, I was reading things like Whitman, the gay mystic...yikers.

I went soooo far away from the core beliefs in good, evil, saved, unsaved, heaven, hell, that I had absorbed from my mother's side of the family. A part of me still believed a wee bit in those drastic visions. I couldn't hang onto them and now that's long gone...but in those vulnerable years, which were also the...umm...hallucinogenic late 60s...I was sometimes attracted to cultish Christianity. I would sit in front of the TV, very lonely, and answer the sweating shouting preachers' instructions, trying to get saved. I would recite the required prayer just as they directed and sincerely wait for the bolt of enlightenment.

Sighh. It never came. Years went by. Other things saved me. Therapy, friends, stability in community, the decency of most people I knew and met.

I just keep blundering back to my basic stance, like yours...assume goodness unless the hair on your neck rises...

I can embrace a person, look at them with gentleness, if I don't see hatred or evil intent. Heck, if people externalize human evil by calling it demons or Satan, and wrestle with it in dramatic rituals, it's really okay with me. It's also okay with me when the simple people I knew in Appalachia would go down into the river, and let a preacher lower them in the water, and come up with a look of exaltation and peace on their faces.

I no longer long for those ecstatic experiences myself. Because I have a tendency toward anxiety disorder, they are destabilizing for me. But I have known people who were "delivered" from desperate lives by such immersion. I am grateful to be immersed instead in a community that feels saner and more fitting for me.

But my uncle spent every Saturday night, for years and years, sitting by beds in a literal "poorhouse", holding peoples' hands, and singing old hymns to them in his beautiful voice. There was that. His wife, my aunt, literally never once bought herself a new dress because there was always someone she felt needed the money. She was very content with hand-me-downs, so she gave to the poor.

It's kind of like what ReallyMe said about widows and orphans. That feels like good intention to me.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #22 on: March 17, 2006, 06:27:39 AM »
Dear Hops,
I no longer long for those ecstatic experiences myself. Because I have a tendency toward anxiety disorder, they are destabilizing for me.

I don’t think I have any “disorders” as defined by the men who write the DSM (am I likening the DSM to the bible? Yes.). But I think if I was immersed in water I might find it a bit worrying. If I’d convinced myself there was some psychological effect of being immersed in water, and had worked myself into an emotional state about it, because I wanted to believe in something…..the experience might make me anxious.

Or I might get anxious because I’m not emotionally involved and because I am expected to experience something – heck! I might fail! I might be found at fault!

I have anxiety disorder. What does that mean? What is the effect on the brain of thinking like that?

I have X. That means somehow that X is a thing that is not part of me, but a thing, like a foreign invader, like a cancer or a virus, that I ‘have’.

I think to say we ‘have’ a disorder is to remove responsibility for ourselves.

“I have depression” versus “I am depressed.”
The first is something that has taken hold of me, the second is something about me.

“I have an addiction to cigarettes” versus “I like smoking and am too stupid and pig-headed to give it up”. The second is true for me.

Wouldn’t it be more honest to say “Sometimes I am anxious”. Some things I find upset my sense of reality so I don’t bother with them. Does that make me wrong, bad, or mad? Or maybe the things that upset me are wrong in my mind?.......................................

Isn’t it okay to be anxious sometimes? Put me inside a catholic church or a mosque with a thing in progress (people doing whatever it is they do) and I’d be pretty anxious. Yes I would. I might feel my reality slipping. If I was forced to stay and take part, I might start behaving in a way which others might judge to be “mad”. They might think I was a demon!

If people are delivered from immersion, I think they are ‘delivered’ by the efforts of their own brains. If it works I think it’s great. Nothing wrong with anything that causes helpful things to happen. Maybe.

I better leave this thread for a while. I’m upsetting myself. I make no distinctions between demons and gods or the Devil and God. I don’t personally believe in either and to me, they are pretty much the same.

Demon or God, what’s the point? What’s the objective? Labels all. DSM or Voodoo book?

Isn’t it possible that I can choose with my own brain to act in helpful or harmful ways? Personal responsibility.


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #23 on: March 17, 2006, 09:21:51 AM »
Portia and Hopalong-

you have taken over this thread and brought over the 'casual discussion' element which is on the other thread here.
I did not post on the other thread myself out of netiquette and respect for the serious things which were emerging in that thread.

My intention here is very simple.
To point out an obvious fact and truth- that there is no such thing as a demon and whatever your belief system or mentalhealth state anyone who is telling you there is is misguided, fearful, abusive, wrong- whatever their particular motivation is.

I don't want to debate personal freedoms or religious beliefs. I am very open to people's often very strange cultures.

Until it comes to a point of unhealthy belief and spreading fantastic fears- and on a site about mental wellbeing of all places.

There is no such thing as a demon.


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #24 on: March 17, 2006, 09:31:55 AM »
you have taken over this thread and brought over the 'casual discussion' element which is on the other thread here.

Nonsense Write, rubbish and balderdash. My opinion. Stuff the oatcakes then. I’ll eat them myself.

I am not on the other thread. I’m scared of that thread. Are you stopping me talking here?

Okay. I’ll silence myself here. Fuck it.


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #25 on: March 17, 2006, 09:50:35 AM »
Well that lasted about 5 minutes eh? Changed my mind.

Write hello?

There is no such thing as a demon.

If you really mean this, how on earth do you know, as a fact?

You must have a very clear idea of what you mean by the word ‘demon’?

I don’t even know what a demon is. Do you? I have no frame of reference for ‘demon’. Show me something and tell me you call it ‘demon’ and maybe I’ll understand your perception.

Isn’t a demon whatever anyone chooses it to mean?
I could call Tony Blair a demon. That’s my right, to say “I think Tony Blair is a demon”. What would I mean? I’d mean he’s a menace to democracy. But he’s still human to me.


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #26 on: March 17, 2006, 11:07:54 AM »
hey bean I'm glad, I like to raise a smile. Oh you've posted again. I'll post, log out, read and reflect okay? thanks.

I did mean to inject a bit of light-heartedness into the discussion. Then later I got really upset and I swore out of frustration - not something I do lightly. I got over it though. Best to leave it there i think, although maybe the upset isn't obvious?


I hope you'll continue talking here. I see what you're trying to say. I just wish you'd say it's your opinion, rather than fact, because I'd like to think that's what you think. Why? Because I've been here a long time and so have you and....well....oh I don't know. I just don't see you as a fundamentalist absolutist person. There's nothing scary about all this, really, in my opinion and direct experience of the world. I wonder if you think/feel there is?  

Words on a message board = scary? What do you think?

bye for now


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #27 on: March 17, 2006, 11:12:05 AM »
What I wrote in this thread was not casual to me. It was heartfelt. This stance that I was trying to express...comes from a place that affected my life deeply. My effort to reconcile it all has had a lot to do with healing and some of the deepest truths in my life.

I don't believe demons exist either. I understand that is the point you wanted to make in starting this. You can lock the thread if it's causing too much anger or frustration. Only the starter can do that. I did it once.

Meanwhile, I look at anyone's contribution as still weaving. If the thread's not cut, I think any of us can pick it up and keep weaving...

But I care about hearing you too, Write. I have had ample opportunity to tell my view here. So I'll step out. I can tell my voice is distressing you right now. I don't want to escalate that. (I'm not feeling "silenced"--just want to give you some room.)

I do like it better to say that I have FELT anxiety. Sometimes it made sense or was in response to something I could spy. Even in hindsight. Other times panic attacks would descend out of the bloody blue. Quite terrifying, and it did feel like a disorder then. So, in my case, it's both. Maybe I'll start another thread sometime to chat about anxiety stuff.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #28 on: March 17, 2006, 11:30:52 AM »
write:  And reallyMe I am very sorry if you have had people tell you you are possessed and have performed some kind of ritual cleansing on you. That was cruel and abusive of them. You have been misled by an unhealthy group of people. Maybe Ns or other sick people were involved.

I'm not!  I'm grateful to all the people who saw what was controlling me and hurting others through me.  I"m thankful that people took their time to walk through my deepest pains and hurts with me and finally make those "things" leave me alone.  I'm glad there were people who saw devils as real and knew how to make them leave my mind and body, so I could finally be in peace in my soul.

Hopalong: The place where ReallyME studied and had her experience is Tennessee. I lived in Appalachian Kentucky at one point, working at an orphanage. We interacted with many people who had such alien beliefs...possession, snake handling, speaking in tongues (I witnessed this as well). I do not accept or share any of these beliefs or practices.

WOW! AM I EVER IMPRESSED!  You actually googled to locate the school I attended.  We didn't practice snake handling nor learn it, just for the record.  Those people seem to have a "death wish" in my opinion.  I do pray and prophesy in tongues, also for the record.

I don't really mind people getting upset about what I share.  Some of my demon-chasin friends would just say it's the devils in them getting angry, but I won't say that.  I'll just leave everyone to their own view.  It doesn't sway me one way or the other.  I know what I know and I know what I've experienced...and one thing another man cannot convince you against, is your person experience.



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Re: There ARE no demons or devils. There are people and there is Spirit.
« Reply #29 on: March 17, 2006, 11:36:31 AM »
      hi everyone

        what if Satan's purpose in a world of polarity was to hold darkness to show mankind even more what love really means.
        good-bad    light-dark     go beyond this polarity   what purpose does what men call demons or Satan do  show  more

        need for love ? go beyond the opposites. then Satan lays down his burden (someday soon)and mankind does not need to
        learn from
        darkness  .   i do not presume to know the mind of GOD .     its just the other thread scared me a little. Hops
         my mama was raised in little rock ,ark and was told she would go to hell if she did not get straight A's in school.
        i grew up in conn. .mom did not lay that religion trip on me but i heard enough from her  to scare me and i know how much
         it hurt i understand what you are saying. lets give demons a break .they do not exists well only if you believe they do.
          only my opinion .

« Last Edit: March 17, 2006, 12:01:20 PM by moonlight52 »