Hey (((((all)))))):
Hiya Stormy: Thanks for the cartoon. I love cartoons. They can say things so much clearer than plain old words, sometimes eh? That one reminds me that my friends don't have NDP (as far as I know). But they sure acted Nish......or at minimum........selfish.
Thinking of and looking out for self.
Is that self-preserving?
Taking care of self first.
That's what we're supposed to be learning to do...isn't it?
When is it not ok to do that? When is it or is it ever more important to think of others first?
I'm confused.

Too much self-preservation is just selfish....Nish.
Not enough is door mattish.......tolerating abuse.......being a martyr, etc.
Where is the happy medium? How to stay close to it, most of the time?
I'm sure I've behaved selfishly in the past. That doesn't make me N.
It makes me human.
The same goes for my friends. They aren't baddddddd people. They are only evolved animals, like we all are.
The few internet friends I'm mentioning here are only a drop in the bucked compared to the real life friends and the hurt I felt over their selfishness.
All I can say is that people change and whilst you moved on to look at things in a differenent way with new perspective some of your friends haven't...

..........do I know you? Do you live near me? Have we met? (

just kidding a bit). That is sooooooo accurate. It really probably is what happened. That doesn't make any of us bad people, does it? Or N? It just means we have different views. I assume some of them acted pretty badly due to their strong views and because of whatever emotion was driving them (I can guess).
the most damaging thing you can do is blame yourself for this now
Thankyou Justice. I'm going to remember what you said. You really helped. Thankyou so much!
Dear H&H: No worries. Anything you have put into words so far has been good/fine/etc. Thanks for reading and thinking and posting, even when it's not that easy. I appreciate that so much.
Portia: How are ya? I hope you're good and well and enjoying life!
Am I taking the easy route?
Please direct me there immediately!!!!

I will gladly take it, if you don't want it!! I love easy stuff!! Where the heck is that map!!!

Ya. If there is an easy route........I seem to miss it. Oh well. As long as we get there eh??

For me, ‘God’ means what other people have told me it means for them. Seriously. It means hvbdhfbgvjh to me. And you might say - what is hvbdhfbgvjh?
I have no meaning of my own. (That doesn’t mean I want one. Do you want hvbdhfbgvjh? What you don’t have, you don’t miss - unless you’re envious of what you perceive other people might have. I might be curious, but not envious
That was good and clear P. Hmmmmm. hvbdhfbgvjh? Would you want it?
I imagine, if I were able to imagine being in your shoes, having been taught (and I assume believing for so long) that hvbdhfbgvjh is rubbish.........I probably wouldn't want hvbdhfbgvjh either or be interested in hvbdhfbgvjh.
Do I want hvbdhfbgvjh? I think, if a great number of people in the world were somewhat excited about hvbdhfbgvjh, if there where great and gorgeous buildings all over the place where people go to worship hvbdhfbgvjh, if there was a book like the bible passed down from time, containing information related to hvbdhfbgvjh, a book that is used in our courts to swear upon, if hvbdhfbgvjh were mentioned in my national anthem, if holidays were celebrated in hvbdhfbgvjh's honour, if people went around using hvbdhfbgvjh's name in vain and thanking hvbdhfbgvjh, every time stuff went right and praying to hvbdhfbgvjh on their death beds.........
.........I think, honestly, I would be seriously interested in knowing a whole lot more about hvbdhfbgvjh.
But as I said, if your mother told you hvbdhfbgvjh is rubbish, whether in words, actions, or simply by communicating and instilling that attitude in you...........I can see how that would mold your thoughts and feelings about hvbdhfbgvjh.
I think people who despise God and teach their children to do so are acting just as those who are fanatical and teach their kids that all life evolves around nothing more than God.
Both are equally a disservice and feel, to me, in my heart, like abuse.
It might be said that teaching my child that chocolate is awful stuff and so is apple pie......is not abuse. Denying children indulgences in life is not abuse. But I think lying to them is. And......especially, if you sneak around and eat chocolate and apple pie, when you really need it.....want it.......are afraid you'll miss it.
I didn't finish my Santa story either. Mostly because I felt like I'd yacked long enough, which I probably did.

Anyway......I guess what I was trying to say by relating that experience is that I had a theory about the truth, which I set out to proove, and which I was not happy, in the end, to know the truth about.
But that was as a child.......in my immaturity.......part of my development. After awhile........I became more comfortable with the truth. It helped me to feel like I knew something important. I was glad to learn that there really was a St. Nicholas who went around giving to poor children. I understood that it is a good thing...to celebrate that kind of giving at Christmas. After awhile........I liked the truth better than the fantasy but I had to first.........know it..........then.........learn more about it.......and finally.....understand it before it was something I accepted and felt good about.
I'm not directing you in any way. I hope you will perceive that. I'm just trying to put in a word for chocolate and apple pie and hvbdhfbgvjh. It's not all bad. It's not poisonous. It won't hurt you unless you eat too much of it or get fanatical about it. It's acutally......pretty good stuff (well.......I can't say for sure about the hvbdhfbgvjh.......but I imagine if there was that much attention being given to it in this world......it would be something important to get a handle on).
I'm glad you're curious P. That's a great trait.
She didn’t teach me much at all, not capable.
So sorry for that, Portia.

But I keep saying because I mean it......I'm so impressed with how well you have done and are.....regardless!!
Fair enough and I value your amazing honesty Sela.
Thankyou for saying such a nice thing P.
I like it now for what it is and I try to be honest about what it is. If it starts to feel dishonest, I’ll stop doing it.
Hey. It's a holiday! Until eveyone who does not believe it's Jesus's birthday...stops celebrating it........you're not dishonest. You're going with the flow P. Sometimes, that's the best way to go (like the easy route...where the heck is that route....that's all I want to know!!!

). I see nothing wrong with liking Christmas lights and enjoying all the Christmasy stuff.....it's quite beautiful. The season brings out the best in a lot of people and it's a good thing for all, I think. I don't think God made it a holiday.....people did........so no worries about enjoying it being some indication that you're taking advantage of anything (if that's the worry?). You're not hypocritical for putting up lights or eating Christmas cake or even sharing the joy.
Hypocritical would be doing those things and then pretending not to like them. It would be doing them and then criticising them and those who do them. It would be putting on a fake tolerance while secretly loving every minute of it.
The effect of all those lies on me! I might have been a happy-go-lucky type of person without all those damn lies!
Lies really do hurt. Lies almost have a corrosive......dissolving qualitiy to them. Like they ferment stuff in me or something. That's what lies are like for me.
I've been visualizing a big pot of lies lately (I mentioned before, I think, that sometimes I relax in comfy spot and visualize myself standing beside this big boiling pot, which is cooking over a fire and I watch stuff evaporate or float away, like baloons, as it escapes from the pot). Lately, the pot is full of lies and they are boiling......cooking......and one by one they rise up and float away into oblivion.....where they pop......like balloons. It's quite fun to imagine and I'm hoping it's lifting some of the weight of the lies and decreasing their value.
They really are worthless. Lies. They have no value. They are good for nothing. Eh?
That's what I think.
You don’t lie to yourself about reality. Because that’s madness to me. Or at least I saw it as madness. It drove me half mad. And when I questioned it? That’s the occasion he called me “evil”. I was called evil for wanting the truth.
Son of a..............!!!!

Was he NDP? Or just Nish? Or just sick? Or just a lyer????
Who cares?? That was soooooooooo mean and heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee is the eeeeeeeeeeeeevil one!!!
Calling a child evil is, imo, one of the most horribly abusive things a person can say to a kid. It goes hand in hand with : "I hate you" and "You're nothing......of absolute no value".

It's bad! Bad!! BADDD!!!
Gee P. And his awful words left such an impression on you. Sure wish I could help to lift the pain of those words. Sure wish I could say something so healing......so good........so kind......so much more impressionable......something that would boil up those awful "you're evil" words and send them floating into oblivion and cause them to pop....like a balloon.......and be gone forever.

They're a lie!! He was lying!! Rather than admit the lie they were living......rather than tell the truth......rather than face reality.......he projected onto you and told you a big, big, huge, big lie!!!
You are not and never were ......evil. That's bullshit!!
He was of course just protecting their personal mad world and attacking me for threatening it. What a lunatic. Whoah. Still got some stuff in there eh? Gosh.
Hey......no need to whoah. Maybe it would be a good thing to just keep going and get it out!! A good rant??
Why not? You can't hurt this thread!! Nobody here will mind......if you feel like it will help!! Go for it P!!
I wish I had a magic salve to put on all of our wounds. Life is too short.
