Author Topic: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???  (Read 10898 times)


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Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« on: March 31, 2007, 08:11:56 PM »
I broke my leg a few weeks ago.  I had surgery on it one week ago.  I cannot walk and have been on crutches for three weeks.  I do most everything for myself.  Try to.  Have to.  I have 6 children.  Most are pretty self sufficient; ages 8, 10, 11, 14, 15. And they help me mostly.  My husband has done minimal stuff.  Barely minimal.   But I have a two and a half year old.  I have needed some help with him.  My husband, who is his own boss, claims he cannot help me, and when he tried for two hours one day after the children all went back to school after a two week break (year-round school) he ended up throwing a temper tantrum complete with throwing of dishes and yelling for the two year old drawing on himself after being left unattended by him for 20 minutes. 

I am upset, shaking and scared. Because he is raging and scary.  And stuck sitting on my couch watching the tantrum.  Helpless. He finally comes to his senses and then comes over to "apologize" and make excuses and tell me how hard it has been on HIM!  Of course he won't say it's all my fault.  He is just so overwhelmed.  Truth is he freaks out like that pretty regularly, is always 'stressed' out and losing control.  I get upset (annoyed or teary or scared) and he blames ME for being upset for HIS tantrums.  Like crying upset. He doesn't believe me when I tell him I am scared of him and he is always mad or raging when he is home I have a stomach ache. The kids are afraid and upset.   He likes to tell me I am overly sensitive.  (He only shocks me so bad by his behavior once in a while enough to bring me to tears anymore).  Then he tells me I won't talk to him and I have this cold shell of armour that he can't break through.  This stuff he tells me in the same conversation.  Contradictions---I think. (overly sensitive & armoured and distant)  Am I wrong here?  He is contstantly acting horridly, then blaming ME for being upset with HIM.  As if I was the one being unreasonable.  He should just get let off the hook no matter WHAT he does!

So, on this day, he insists he needs his mothers help.  His mother is 70, is way TOO involved in our life as it is, (by him), and getting ready for major surgery next week.  I have written about their inappropriate relationship before and my opinion is that it is emotionally incestuous. (sp?)  It is and I know it.  I brought it to both of their attention a few months back during a fight in which he invited her to (under the guise of getting the kids out of the way for a while).  I told them I felt they were married and I was the mother.  Neither of them took that very well.  She and I hadn't spoken since then until my accident, and he admitted that night after she left that he was way too involved with her but wasn't really willing to do anything about it.  So.......the main question is what came up today------

He doesn't want to take our kids to get new jeans today (Saturday).  Claims he is too busy since he has to get groceries, which he was also trying to squirm out of.  I bought a couple of them the wrong size jeans at Christmas, and the boys have worn their knees out.  The little ones.  The size was too big by one so the way they are growing I just figured we would hang on to them.  They could wear them, but they were a bit long.  No biggie, it's almost short pant season anyway.  And he has kept us broke enough since Christmas with his schemes that I didn't dare spend the extra money.  He asks me if I wouldn't mind if he asks his mother and grown sister with two severely handicapped children to take my kids out to try on new jeans today.  Something he has been promising them all week to do himself. 

I am a bit astonished he is trying to push this onto her and his sister today like this.  And force me to agree.  He asks me this on the phone while he is out "running errands" (but really just trying to get out of the house so the kids can clean it.  I try to say we can handle it as nicely as possible and they don't need to be bothered by that.  My feeling is that is my territory (especially in this weird situation where I feel he is trying to replace me by her anyway) and it has gone so long by now what's another few days.  He finds someone he can push around and he really crosses the line.  Uses them. He uses her.  Abuses her too and she abuses him right back.  (It's lovely, really)

 I know he won't explain WHY they have no jeans now and then I know I will be the one made to look like a neglectful mother.  I don't say any of this trying not to tick him off, but he is ticked anyway because I didn't just say yes and he has to be a father and man today if he wants them to get pants so bad.  And he started a huge fight with me calling me overly sensitive again.  I can't even defend myself because then he would be really mad if I told him be a father and go get his kids pants even if he has to miss sitting on his butt in front of a movie in his home-theater tonight.  He thinks he is being deprived because he hasn't been able to watch a movie all week.   Like usual.  He has been making excuses to stay away until midnight or later almost all week and forced his mother to tend my littlest during the day while he goes out and tries to shake down some income. By conning people into "investments" in his business.   He finally has some real business--first thing in 6 months and he is making it sound like the hardest thing he ever had to do.  A deal that would usually take  10 hours or so mysteriously has consumed his entire week until late into the evening.

So am I being overly sensitive?  I did finally start to cry after he started getting angry at me for saying I preferred his mom didn't take our kids pants shopping.  I already feel I am losing touch with them and judged by the mother-in-law.  He starts in on me for an hour saying I have all these problems and I won't talk to him----he doesn't listen anyway. Or care.  Uses what I say against me.  Judges me.  Tells me I am wrong.  Whatever.  I need counseling.  He hasn't wanted to be married for over a year now, but he loves me more than anything.  I am a mental wreck, but I am too shut down emotionally. BUT, then I am TOO sensitive!   He loves me, he hates me.  Basically.  I can't seems to do anything right.  But that is what he tells me.  He can't seem to do anything right for me.  BUT he doesn't know what he would do without me, I am his best friend.  I am so sweet.  Blah, blah blah.....He insists I will still be mad at him for freaking out and throwing dishes the other day and yelling at the two year old.  Still trying to get out of that one.  Trying to make me apologize for something HE did!  So he can get excused.  And do it again and get off free and clear.  No consequences.

Bottom Line:  Am I being unreasonable?????  With the pants thing?  I almost called his mom to fill her in on what a lovely boy her son REALLY is.  Cause he has her "snowed".  He makes her think I am the screwball. And he is the wonderful doting husband.  Has his whole family thinking that. 

 Wonder how she would like to hear about his nonsense?  Maybe I oughtta tell her about his sexual addiction to internet porn.  This is why I think he has been staying late at work.  This stuff I know he has been doing and we have had discussions about this over the last 4-5 years after I saw how involved he was and got a little creeped out by his bedroom talk.  I wonder if she would like to know he has lied to his "investors" and spent all their money on living expenses.  All the while sitting on his butt doing nothing to make the money himself.  Using our last dimes to pay them their monthly payments and leaving his family without groceery money.  Wonder if she'd like to hear how he rages at everyone at home all the time.  Makes everything happens his way, and on his schedule. And all the other crap he has done, but this is already too long to go into.  And then rakes me over the coals for having any problems with any of it.  Blaming me for being unreasonable.  Calling me whatever he needs to keep me in an emotional roller coaster and feeling guilty and afraid and obligated and alone -----so I will leave him alone to do as he pleases.

Claims he loves me, I am everything to him. He would be lost without me.  Blah, blah, blah. Yeah, right.  Why don't I feel any of that?  What an idiot.  Me too, I just realized again. :shock:  For putting up with any of this.  He really had me believeing today I was being a bit**.  And emotionally messed up and unreasonable.  And guilty.  And willing to give it a shot again.  Must be the pain killers I have to take so I am not writhing from pain from the surgery.

But I am stuck here for now.  Until my leg heals and I can walk.  This has been a devasting blow to me having this happen and I don't know why.  But like others have said, I will stay stoic, calm, and plan plan plan!   I have to.  I even called him up to apologize and offered to call his mom to do this "favor" just to buy more time to heal and keep the peace for now.  He even "accidentally" hung up on me while I was telling him something personal about how I feel and then called back to yell at me for not picking the phone back up fast enough and then not really being enthused to open up to him again.  Blamed me for his mistake and insensitivity again.

Wow.....Thanks for giving me the space to rant again!  Trying to keep a lid on it.  Sometimes he really messes with my mind though.  I wonder if maybe I am being unreasonable and weird.  He wants me to go to counseling.  I nicely say---it hasn't been financially feasable honey.  I'd LIKE to because heaven knows he doesn't want to hear about anything I have to say.  Then he gets mad cause then I have insulted his pride to provide! 

So I never nag or ask about money.  I just hold my breath hoping he will bring it in as promised.  Promises the world and then falls pathetically short.  Barely providing necessities of life.  He can't pay for our houses, but yet insists on living in the finest neighborhoods he can find.  Driving the nicest cars he can get.  Paying stupid amounts for stupid things. Paying for his toys before bills.   Bringing the stress onto himself.  Then complains and excuses his awful behavior saying he is like this and doing all this for me and the kids.  But he is sure to tell me how bad he hates his life.  And he really would reather die.  Almost monthly now.  I beg to move into a smaller house, but he won't.  The kids tell him how unhappy they are, but he turns around and decides to have a pissing contest (sorry) with the wealthy people next door to try to keep up with the "Jones".

 I can't let anyone is my house for fear someone will come looking or calling for money while they are here.  Or maybe my power will get shut off.  I had to totally cut off contact with my FOO, based somewhat on their involvement in a cult which I no longer can be a part of and a lot because I am embarrassed about my life and he has forced me to borrow from them over the years but won't let me pay them back. And I know if I was speaking to them, he would send me to beg from them again.  they don't have much to give and might not do it and that is too hard to bear any longer.  He makes fun of them, always has, and then tells me I am wrong for going no contact with them.  Somehow he always make it seems like I am the goofball who can't think straight or get along with anyone.  I get friends and he tries to get sexual about them. If they are female, and men are out of the question of course.  Or he insults them to me so much I just have to let them go cause he is cold to them and my life is too messy for anyone to see anyway.  He has made me only depend on him and when I finally have to, he is nowhere to be found and being more emotionally draining than usual.  Says I am overly sensitive to his rages!  How does that make sense?  Now I am back to square one.  This is just ridiculous.  Now he goes on today about how he wants only me forever.  He isn't interested in anybody else.  I feel like I am just spinning in circles, but in my case I guess that would be more like spinning on my bum-eh?  Since me legs are out of commission!  Ha ha, no really, it's my head that is spinning.

Oh my heavens, I just wrote a chapter when I really thought I just wanted to ask a question.  Feels so much better to have it out of my head.  I got a chance to because he actually went grocery shopping.  Wonder!  And he didn't make his mom go take my kids clothes shopping.  Doesn't like it, but he didn't after all.  My little stands are so small and turn into such big issues it makes me want to not ever stand for anything.  I didn't even realize this would be such a big deal.  Didn't know I was making a stand really, but it was so absurd on so many levels when all is taken into consideration for him to ask her that especially when he CAN do it himself.  What a twit.

Whew!  Done for now, I think.  I don't even know if any of this makes sense any more.  Hope so, my brain is a lot more clear.  If you made it this far, thanks.   :P




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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2007, 08:42:45 PM »
This reminds me very much about a very trying time between myself and NH (just before we separated for the 2nd time). We had a very big verbal confrontation and I attempted to get away from him by going downstairs in the basement to our workroom and as I was standing in the room (no back way out) he came storming into the doorway, intimidating as heck, coming at me. It sent me back to childhood when dad did the same thing and I wound up cowering on the floor, in a total regression state.

When I came around, I realized (when he had NO empathy for my state, no apology, no NOTHING except "ridiculous how you could feel that way") and I soon left. When someone can take your sanity away from you, you must do what you can to protect yourself.

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2007, 10:11:39 PM »
Sunny, honey...

You have spent a long time being married to a VERRRRRRRY manipulative man.
You're not crazy at all.

You're vulnerable right now because of your leg. You're getting a verrrrrrrrrrrrrrry thorough last look at who he is and how he operates.

As that leg heals, you gather your inner strength, hear?

You're not in denial one bit. He's manipulative, dishonest, disloyal, addicted, reckless, irresponsible, and you have come awake.

Maybe this enforced recuperation is just the time you had to have to solidify your resolve.

Sending strong thoughts to you and your leg, which will heal stronger than it was in the first place.
As you will.

You're going to make it. You probably don't need one more horrible dialogue for motivation...maybe you need to rest and plan now, and don't exhaust yourself on the small stuff.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2007, 11:29:45 PM »

There is nothing wrong with your thinking. Your H is not much unlike my H was with ALL his tactics. He is trying to keep you confused. I cringed when I was reading what he does. I know it all to well.
Yes you have to plan, plan, plan. If you are in danger at any moment then you must abandoned your plans and leave immediately.  If you can pull it off long enough (detach from emotion) become the best actress in the Universe to get you and your children set, then do it.  That is only if you feel safe! if not GO!

Sunny, I worry that you feel so much fear with his rage.  This is your natural instincts warning you of danger.  Do not ignore them. You are not being overly sensitive.  You are not crazy! You and your children are being Abused.
Keep yourself safe hon, and keep posting.



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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #4 on: April 01, 2007, 12:27:24 AM »
Wow--thanks again you guys!  Sometimes I just need some reenforcement andd encouragement.  You are reaaally helping more than you know! 

All of  you!

........And he is still out running errands.  He DID take the kids to get clothes and they had a good moment with their father.  Why did I have to go through that to get him to spend a quality hour with his kids! (Rhetorical question)  Sheesh!

 I swear.  Now he thinks he is father-of-the-year.  But most importantly, the kids got to see their father and in a surprisingly decent mood for a bit toniight.  Even if I did have to force him.

He has to hit one more store to    get pet's late and he is tired.  And maybe for once has some self respect for  being a man.  Whoppee.  Hope he enjoys it.  I know it doesn't come around too often.

You guys are all awesommme.  Love you!  Take care everyone!




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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2007, 07:13:28 AM »
Sunny I am sorry for what you are not getting in the relationship, and for what you are getting that is not what you ask ..

My 23 yrs old son was an expert at  talking a talk, never walking the walk.....  and I kept calling him on it,   When he was using crack, I could not believe a word that came from out of his mouth..... he would say he was sorry for this or sorry for that... then turn arround and do it again...

So I just started confronting the "double speak" exposing it to him,  he is not using now and has not used crack in a year, but if it happens again, he is out of the house...

I realise this is a dfferent situation , I just wanted to say i identify with you , when the words don't match or reflect the actions
this does make us question our sanity...... 

I'm glad you posted here and can share you situation with us and gain support

Blessings Poet


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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #6 on: April 01, 2007, 07:32:28 AM »

((((( Sunny )))))

Thinking of you

Leah xx

Jun 2006 voiceless seeking

April 2008 - "The Gaslight Effect" How to Spot & Survive by Dr. Robin Stern - freedom of understanding!

The Truth About Abuse VIDEO


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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #7 on: April 01, 2007, 11:06:49 AM »
Divine, your husband sounds like a borderline.

There's a mistaken perception that only women are borderlines, because the tantrums, the cutting, the suicide threats, all of the constant high drama that borderline women often generate, aren't the way men express the illness. Men with BPD have tantrums, but instead of acting in with violence at first, they usually begin by acting out.

Here is a Google search on 'borderline rage'.

here is another search on 'male borderline personality disorder'

I hope this helps, although it isn't going to be happy news if it turns out to be an accurate description of how your husband thinks and acts...
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2007, 05:41:09 PM »

How'd you guess he has absolutely NO empathy for what I have gone through.  Keeps saying not to throw the baby out with the bath water.  Says the problem lies with me becuase I have issues now with all those close to me.  Yes...of course i do because I have been preyed upon by sick, manipulative, mean people who got away with it until now because I was so nice! 

He sees me standing up to my FOO for inflicting an  emotionally and psychologically abusive "religious" indoctrination at their hands since birth and he knows he is next unless he can break me and force me to back down with them.  I don't fight with them, that is not what I do best.  I just said enough.  But I know part of that is due to "Stockholm syndrome" symptoms as well.  He works on me incessantly to pressure me, guilt me, and shame me for going n/c with them.  He has used all tactics for almost two years now to no avail.  I have had to stay strong and have no one to empathize with or talk to.  He says why don't I just "let it go."  I hardly bother him with it anyway, never did. 

Besides, he doesn't realize if I just "let it go"  he gets "let go" too.  Because he is a huge part of the problem I am dealing with, by letting it go and healing, which is what I am trying to do, he is the big baby that will be thrown out with the bathwater!!!  With or without his feigned empathy!  Ya know?

Now I am starting to stand up for myself more with him and he is fighting me in every way he can think.  I have recently had a discussion with him asking why he can't just have sympathy and compassion for me.  He loves to claim to have it but as


says....he tries to talk the talk, but can't/won't walk the walk.  So true.  I also ask him recently as he tried to hurry and apologize so he could just be let off the hook for asking like a jerk, that sorry doesn't really mean anything to me anymore coming from him.  He just continues to do the same crap over and over anyway.  If I bother to call his game he makes me into the mean bit** for making him suffer and answer for being a jerk.  And then comes the ever so sincere SOOORRRY!  He's like the kid in the trunck of Uncle Buck's car that he forces to apologize for something who yells it sarcastically at the top of his lungs.  (If you've ever seen the show Uncle Buck, ya know what I mean)

Oh, and I mention one thing that he has done that is hurtful or insensitive, and he makes it into complaining that I attack him about EVERYTHING and NOTHING he does is right.  I know he does this just to play on my pity and guilt and confuse the issue at hand.  Does your son do that?

Sorry to hear about your son.  Yeah, it's not the same problems or the same relationship as your son, but it's the same behavior it seems.  My NH is addicted to something...mostly himself!

The "doublespeak" and contradiction and lies CAN drive one who doesn't operate that way up the wall and hurt so much!

Thanks for the support!




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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2007, 06:18:57 PM »
Hopalong and CB,

You have heard me out so many times and you have been so patient with me.  I can feel how much you care for me and that is sooo touching.  I know I am just a stranger writing words and complaints and feelings out, but you have been like the sisters I never  had.  Long distance and anonymous of course, but so real to me. 


I too have mused over the enforced down-time ( I know you worded it better) I have wondered if maybe whoever it is or whatever it is who looks out for us behind the scenes had to slow me down to make me take a good look and think, plan, and regroup for the fight and journey ahead.  I know I haven't been listening for a long time, and I know this is probably a blessing in disguise for me if I use it wisely. 

I don't see it as punishment (the leg), but as a gentle but inescapable help and reminder for me to get real NOW

Watching this N idiot is like watching a really bad movie, and I try to very hard to be stoic, and fake.  Which is hard for me.  I hate to even hold a grudge.  He has just spent the last few minutes before leavingto run errands trying to pull my heart strings to remember how it used to be when we first met and how fun that was.  But once again, to his utter ignorance, it wasn't fun for me then either and it was only fun for him and nostalgic because that was when I was his total lap dog.  Complete with smiles and batting eyelashes.  Not really, but that is how he saw me. He has this unreal picture of who he thinks I am and what I think.  I feel like his toy.   Now he just complains I don't smile enough regardless of assessing how little he has ever given me to smile about.  It IS SAD.  And he tries to play that card with me constantly about our not making it and how much he cares and I don't.  Gag!

But anyway, I do heed your advice woman--- and I appreciate your patience and support! 

Be well.


As always, we can relate all too well, it seems.  Yucky, eh? 

You hit that nail totally on the head about his dysfunctional family.  His momma IS a piece of work indeed!  She is one of those who is ultra phony happy and helpful and most people believe her, but I have seen through her and it's a disgusting view.  To say the least. It's all about her.  Guesss where my N learned it from??? I want to tell him he shouldn't be taking marriage advise from his 6 times married(twice to the same guy), now unhappily married, destitute and unhappy full of sh** mother. 

But I keep my mouth shut.  It was interesting entertaining the thought of calling her and exposing him for a minute and would feel so good, but in the end I know enough now to understand that would only come back to bite in the rear.  She did help one of her daughters-in-law once hide from one of her sons long ago, but there is always a PRICE TAG!  And she is keeping score.  But this son was a blatant A** and everyone knew it, she didn't have a choice.  Not my NH, he is her little angel or she lives in enough delusion it will always stay that way.  Anything I say now will sound like sour grapes, especially since she knows she has no spell on me with her phoniness and lies anymore.

But like you said, I need to let more people see into my life.  I have considered printing the stockholm syndrome piece you posted out and secretly sending it to one of my more understanding less offended, but least dense siblings.  But I don't know about that.  I had to be pretty awful to them to get them to stay away from me in true stockholm form, I don't know if I can ask for their help right now.  I will never see eye-to-eye with any of them with the cult issue and so I feel I would be taking a step back.  Sometimes I consider it though, just to get away from him in an emergency.  Like now, since I have been laid up and left defenseless for the first time and it is surreal in every way, these feelings while I try to plan and build up my inner strength and courage.  And weigh out my options.  I will be up soon enough and it is scary, but I am so blessed that I WILL be able to get back up onto my own two feet.

Life coulda hit me a lot harder so I will consider this a wake-up call. 

Always good advise for me though CB, about my interactions with my NH.  Thanks!  I need help thinking straight sometimes before I do stupid things!

Take care doll!



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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #10 on: April 01, 2007, 06:34:48 PM »

I will have to go if the voilence sets in.  Don't worry.  Until then, I am planning and staying calm.  Thanks for the voice of support!


Done any good reading lately?   (((((Leah)))))))  Thanks babe!


Oh YES!  I have the SWOES books and he saw me reading them last year and now that is his favorite thing to tell me that is what he has to do around me to get me confused or quiet.  Tell ME that he walks around on EGGSHELLS around ME.  Whatever.

He's too stubborn and volatile and dense for me to explain the difference between giving someone you care about room and compassion on a few certain hot personal specific and known topics (LOVE)....... and never knowing when they are going to explode and what they are going to explode about.  He's too lazy and doesn't care enough to actually read to book, he'd rather project his behavior on to me to keep me in confusion and disbelief and second-guessing myself.  Besides, he'll never look within to take his own inventory anyway.  HE is never wrong!  Ha ha. :?

I have researched BPD very thoroughly and I feel I am dealing with that mainly but throw in all the selfishness and gradiosity and lies and I basically have two-in-one.  As near as I can tell!  It is a total blast!   :?

Thanks for the sites though.  I have seen one you linked me to a while back but will be checking out the others very soon.  As much as I can read just gives me more solace and understanding and anchor.

Thanks for the links! 

Love and peace TO ALL!


Sunny :)-----out for today!   Have a beautiful day or evening everyone!  XOXOXO


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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #11 on: April 01, 2007, 08:40:22 PM »
For what it's worth and what you might glean from this year in the life of me~~~~

You know….my mom was 13 years in a wheelchair when I was injured in the car crash. I have no idea what her thoughts were, except that when my sister went there to tell them, at 7:00 a.m. she said only, “Oh the poor girl!”. She didn’t come to the hospital for 2 weeks even though I could have died in the first 6 days. Odd! (I would say that she could not face a daughter who would have to live this way, since she knew all about the intricacies.)

Now my dad came immediately, but had little, if anything, to say in the way of comfort. Only family was allowed, so the 2 older sisters came.

Immediately my boss came and said I had a job no matter how long it took to return. I would be paid for the Statutory Holidays and that would take care of the monthly payroll deductions—leaving me $.41 per month, which he delivered to my mother, by cheque.

Mom took over keeping track of my finances. She really enjoyed this and it gave her something to do. I had been renting a story and a ½ house for $100.00/mo. New tenants had just moved in downstairs, at $90.00/mo and I threw in $10.00 plus utilities. The family gathered and packed all my daughter’s and my things, furniture and all except my fridge and stove, and stored it at my brother’s. Some clothing went to mom’s.

For one year Mom kept track of paying the $100.00 rent to the owner, but receiving the $90.00 then the $60.00 for the upstairs and banking it, along with the $.41.

I could call her collect and she kept track of those calls so I could pay her back.

My boss had a direct line so I could call him for a dime.

So I had only $2.00 in the bank when I was injured but a collection was taken with Office and Plant people contributing. That was banked. Some people signed up for a certain amount to be taken from their pay cheques and to be given to me. That was a special account and my boss closed it out each month with a cheque that he took to Mom and it was deposited (Dad would have done all this running around) People were great! When I returned to work and wrote the first Plant payroll, I used a red pen in ‘my column” and wrote Thank you. You are done. I am back! (I wrote regular letters to the head of social committee and she posted them on the bulletin board. They were well received. My first I recall best, as I was upside down on the stryker frame, all kinds of abrasions on my hands and arms and a coouple of places stitched. I opened with "Well this was a hell of a way to give up smoking! (7 years later a piece of windshield was removed from my upper arn.)"

That first sister took my daughter for 2 days, but she worked so, daughter went to another sister who didn’t work and I paid her. She brought daughter only once in 2 months to see me. I hated her for that! After that daughter went to sister in Toronto who outfitted her for kindergarten. I wrote the cheques, but sis got some really good deals playing the pity card, poor kid’s mother was in the hospital with a broken back, etc. got some great deals in a leather coat and expensive shoes and dresses. We had a fashion show and sis brought me needle and thread to hem the ones needed, then she took her to daughter’s regular sitter back in my hometown. I paid her, 9 months, and between her and my parents I saw daughter every 2 weeks.

I trusted my mother with every cent.

When I was close to being released I asked them to look for an apt. for us, 2 br., and Mom was the best to check out accessibility. They did and then my brother brought all my furniture etc and set up everything for my return.

·   Eventually Mom and Dad made the trip with my daughter very regularly.
·   First sis and her husband came every week---she is the N who wrote that filthy email to me.—the new Christian.
·   Second sis who had daughter for 2 months never came back after that one visit for the whole year I was in hospital.
·   Sis who did the shopping never came back after the original “death watch” when she came and read my mail for me.
·   Brother came only once.

I had a lawyer on this for a civil suit and owed my mother a little over $700.00 in telephone calls. How do you compare that to a possible $1,000,000.00 coming in?
No! I was back home, and one month later back at work. She wanted her money. To finally shut her up I settled out of Court! No million here!

Then Maw began to instruct me how to live as a disabled person. I resented that. We learn our own ways. That’s it.!!

BTW mom and I were in the very same Rehab hospital 13 years apart and some of the same staff was there at my time. –see 1956 (when I was 17) and me in ’69 at 30 with d’ter at 5.


I think my mother needed to feel needed and went about it the wrong way--

I hit Post instead of Preview Mom is outside in summer '56. I am inside at Xmas. '69

Love Izzy

« Last Edit: April 01, 2007, 08:42:59 PM by isittoolate »


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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #12 on: April 01, 2007, 09:31:57 PM »

I can't imagine what it was like to be paralysed in the hospital and feel abandoned and betrayed by your family. I'm so sorry.

I'm really glad you are talking about it here.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #13 on: April 01, 2007, 10:51:08 PM »
Thanks  Hops,

Yes weird, but a lot of work ( physical therapy) to do, then go into denial that this is happening so you do what you can and never show anyone that you feel sorry for yourself. Don't show it, then you don't feel it!

Then you get stoooopid!--like the gal , Jackie, across the room never received any mail (broken leg in a car crash) and the old lady, Daisy, beside her (broke her hip in the nursing home) so....

I wrote them both a letter and mailed it with the rest of mine. Next day......Jackie received hers and laughed like hell at my telling her to quit bit**ing, then
Daisy says, "Who the hell is M___?"
Jackies says, "The gal across the room".
Daisy says, "That's a hell of a waste of a 5 cent stamp!"

Ah well Ya gotta laff!



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Re: Opinions from moms (or dads--or human beings) out there???
« Reply #14 on: April 01, 2007, 11:24:02 PM »
You are so funny Izzy!!! I love the letter story.

I didn't know your mom had also been in a wheelchair. Did you say how your mom came to be in a one?

It must have been awful in the hospital alone and scared.

"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams