Author Topic: what you dont have  (Read 5650 times)


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what you dont have
« on: April 13, 2007, 11:08:32 AM »
I am back studing my book on awareness and read the following which I would like to post and hear what people think.

"The only reason you are not happy at this present moment is because you are focused on what you have but are thinking and focused on what you dont have"

For me there is a lot of truth in  this statement

Will come back to this



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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #1 on: April 13, 2007, 11:22:47 AM »
Can I rephrase that made an error in my typing

The only reason you are not happy at this present moment is because you are thinking or focused on what you do NOT have.

Whenever I feel down it is because I want something other than what I have.  When I become aware what I have is fine.  The more I stay in the present moment the more satisfied I feel with my life.  Does this make sense to people.  I know that The power of now has been referred to in another post and I also find that useful.  Awareness by Anthony de mello for me has been a very challenging book but full of truths.  The more I apply it to my life the more joyful I feel.

I would be very interested in discussing this with anyone who is interested.




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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #2 on: April 13, 2007, 11:43:47 AM »
Can I rephrase that made an error in my typing

The only reason you are not happy at this present moment is because you are thinking or focused on what you do NOT have.

Whenever I feel down it is because I want something other than what I have.  When I become aware what I have is fine.  The more I stay in the present moment the more satisfied I feel with my life.  Does this make sense to people.  I know that The power of now has been referred to in another post and I also find that useful.  Awareness by Anthony de mello for me has been a very challenging book but full of truths.  The more I apply it to my life the more joyful I feel.

I would be very interested in discussing this with anyone who is interested.



I think that's one more way of looking at living in the future or the past.... as opposed to IN the present moment.

 If I'm living right here in this moment...... for instance..... I'm thinking about how yummy and cool and satisfying low fat plain yogurt is on toasty taco shells filled with zesty chicken and lots of chopped fresh baby spinach! 

If I'm concentrating on my upcoming Temporary Hearing Tues..... then I'm not enjoying my taco's now am I?  I can't worry enough about Tues to assure myself things will go well.  What I can do with that worry....... is...... completely muck up 3 really nice tacos: /

What I have is enough. If I concentrate on that..... if I live in the moment and really SEE my children... listen to and engage them...... I have found happiness in the moment.  Making that a habit is the trick.  Margo


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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #3 on: April 13, 2007, 12:22:10 PM »
I am back studing my book on awareness and read the following which I would like to post and hear what people think.

"The only reason you are not happy at this present moment is because you are focused on what you have but are thinking and focused on what you dont have"

For me there is a lot of truth in  this statement

Will come back to this


well it makes sense to me, I know I am happiest when I am able to appreciate everything I have.... "contentment" is a wonderful thing ........ I love it!.  but it is something i have then lose it , then get it back then lose it


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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #4 on: April 14, 2007, 04:37:46 PM »
Hey Axa, I definately agree with that statement, I finally today stopped my mind racing today and just sat and enjoyed the fine weather with my mind blank just appreciating life, trees and the moment, I cant remember when I was so contented as that moment. Sounds like a good book!!


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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #5 on: April 14, 2007, 10:22:30 PM »
I have everything I "need", except clean blinds and a carpet shampoo.

Still time for that in this Springtime. That is not enough to take me away to another thought.


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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2007, 10:48:55 AM »

Glad to hear that you are enjoying your present moment



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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2007, 11:04:39 AM »
Hey Axa, may I ask how youve applied this book to your life and the truths that are within it as it sounds very rewarding?


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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #8 on: April 16, 2007, 04:51:45 PM »
I just typed a response to something you wrote on another thread Axa and it disappeared into the with perfect synchronicity the exact topic is here and even the phrase I ended with:

focused on what you dont have

The thing I thought I needed- a relationship- I turned out to already have lots of and the one I envisaged turned out to be more N-stuff.

My therapy is taking an interesting turn Axa into focussing on why what I do have doesn't always satisfy.

In particular I am having some very strong memories which I can't know whether they are real memories or not of being sexually assaulted by my maternal grandfather as a very young child, three or so.

It's something I referred to a few times in my childhood and tried to rememebr then but my family were really mad at me and we weren't made welcome at those grandparents; I distinctly rememebr the weird dynamics and the feeling of distortion and my mother's drinking worsened by the time I was six or seven after my brother's birth she was an alcoholic.

This came up in therapy because I was askign my T out loud why the heck I am attracted to Ns when the nice guys pay me attention and I love them but no sexual attraction...

After that it's been coming up in dreams and daydreams all week.

I don't think it's a repressed memory- I always remember trying to find out or 'rememebr' the actual incident, which involved my younger sister too.

Maybe he hit us or something and it wasn't overtly sexual...I do remember we were never left with him again and relationships worsened with that side of the family.

They were all drinkers and very lewd with alcohol.

But he LOOKED totally N, you know that Jack Nicholson look, intense eyes, bit cruel, smiling but not with his eyes....

My ex looks a bit like him.

Interestingly this grandfather also divined my love of music- I remember him giving me a set of classical tapes age about 5 or so which I listened to until I wore them out years later.

He always thought he was more intelligent and sophisticated than the rest of the family. Which he wasn't but he was more knowledgeable and more confident.

He was extremely arrogant and I can remember the feeling right now as I type of the frisson of fear and excitement because he was different and he thought I was different and special and he was the only one who didn't laugh at my love for the music.

Wow, sorry for the thread hijack, Axa, I just couldn't wtop writing until I got all that down. I knew there was a train of thoughts all tied up in this.

I guess I'll never know the truth of it really but I do know that he was the first N-person in my life now, and somehow tied up with my first experiences and attachments.

I never attached to my own parents, my dad I did later in childhood and siblings, but my mother insisted on controlling how much we were picked up or handled so I in particular being the eldest was very isolated.

For years I would headbang on my pillow at night as a comfort habit and even in adulthood it would sometimes happen; not now though.



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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #9 on: April 16, 2007, 05:43:11 PM »
Too cool S&S ,
So good to see you back ...
The future is what we make it
and the now is all we got.
Eternal now......
Good books are a life saver too..
Have you written any new poems????

Love to you

« Last Edit: April 16, 2007, 06:02:46 PM by moonlight »


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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2007, 02:32:05 AM »

The reference to J. Nicholson just jumped off the page to me.  I used to tell Xn I hated his "dead eye" look.  This look was always around when a particularlily nasty piece of abuse was on its way.

Your experience with your grandfather seems so strange.  I do think our "attraction" to Ns is set down very early on.  I can relate to the Alcololic mother and I had a sense of a child of always looking for something, not knowing what it was.... I now know the "something" I was looking for was love, yet I was programmed to look where there was no love.

I have come to the conclusion that when I feel the "buzz" with guys, rather than see it as attraction I now see it as some kind of warning.  The guys I have been in relationships with all strike me as the same, smart, funny, cold, emotionally unavailable, they just had different names!!!!

Glad you are doing such powerful work with your T.  It is a tough journey.  Staying focused on now and what I have is making the journey easier and clearer for me.


How I apply Awareness to my life is I am very conscious of my own feelings, rather than those of others.  Any negative feelings I experience I now understand are not to do with reality but are in me.  If they are in me then I need to look at what is beneath them and often it has to do with my desire for control..... wanting things to be the way I want them other than how they are.  I guess it comes down to taking responsbility for my actions/feelings.  Xn could not have abused me if I had not ignored my gut and walked.  I stayed to rewrite history to control an uncontrollable situation.  To make someone who had no ability to love love me.  The distance I have from him now allows me see the truth about the situation and value what I have now: peace and real control over MY life.



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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2007, 06:26:27 PM »
Thanks axa for explaining that too me it makes a lot of sense, I find my main trouble at the moment is changing peoples perception of me and how they treat me, but mostly I find it hard to alter my responses to them which have been set in stone for some years. I realise now that even my good friends all have their selfish ways as I know I do too as I am far from perfect however the difference is all the people around me keep my selfishness in check however I don't keep their selfisness in check with regards to me and my needs and wants. I have reset my boundaries with my family who even though they love and care for me still have their own wants and needs which have overtime crept up and over me becuase I have let them. We've had a few ros about things and I feel a lot happier and theyve apologised about a few things, I was wrong once or twice and apologised afterwards as I realised my boundary setting had gone too far. I am now trying to reset my boundaries with my friends which is a little harder. There are some things I used to laugh at which I now find a little distasteful, I dont want to upset them so I wont be disapproving and judgemental and raise objection but I think I will just stay quite and not laugh and show them that I dont find what they are saying funny anymore, they may find this strange at my change in humour but hopefully they will just get used to the knew me, actually I think theyre going to have to accpet the new me as Im on a role now  :P
THnaks again axa  :)  your words are very helpful to me in finding my peace and control


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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2007, 09:16:39 PM »
I used to tell Xn I hated his "dead eye" look.  This look was always around when a particularlily nasty piece of abuse was on its way.

it's almost humour too...sometimes I am not sure my ex isn't going to make a joke at that point.

He and I just had words and patched it up.
His sister is takign advantage of him financially ( not for the first time )
It's probably my fault too- I told brother in law I was worried about him recently; now they want to come out funded by him.
Ex said 'well I offered' but I know her very well, she can do this very neatly and because of my experiences with my friend here I am more aware about it.

I had a sense of a child of always looking for something, not knowing what it was.... I now know the "something" I was looking for was love, yet I was programmed to look where there was no love.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Absolutely. Sad isn't it to think of our helpless little selves wandering about trying for crumbs from cruel people.

I stayed to rewrite history to control an uncontrollable situation.  To make someone who had no ability to love love me.  The distance I have from him now allows me see the truth about the situation and value what I have now: peace and real control over MY life.

your writing makes so much clear to me, seeing things on the screen/page does have more impact somehow.

Thank you for all this, you have really helped me this week, others too it seems!

I realise now that even my good friends all have their selfish ways as I know I do too as I am far from perfect however the difference is all the people around me keep my selfishness in check however I don't keep their selfisness in check with regards to me and my needs and wants.

hope you get better at caring for you James.
And at detaching from the relationships which mean you can't.

Take care everyone, Love



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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2007, 09:19:47 PM »
Hello friends. I have a CD of positive thinking that I try to listen everyday. It says that the reason one does not feel happy is because the person does not have the aproval of the most importatn person, one self. Lack of self esteem or low self esteem is the most common reason for unhappiness and is due to the lack of good thougts about one self. What we think about our selves is what becomes our self esteem. And if we do not aprove our selves we feel bad, and unhappy.
Well, that is what my CD says and I kind of agree with it. After losing 40 lb I feel great. But my real situation has not chnaged at all. Still work at the same school, still have the same spoiled, mischicous students, still live in the same place, etc, but i feel great to look at the mirror and see a skinny figure. Hope that helps.


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Re: what you dont have
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2007, 10:46:37 PM »
Hi Bean,
It's not fashionable to say so but I absolutely think someone else can make you unhappy.

Then there comes a point when you've really recognized, faced the fact, that this person always--over time, and over and over, despite you telling them what hurts you--makes you unhappy.

And you stay.

Then you're making you unhappy.

Hops the Veteran of Making Myself Unhappy for Many Years
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."