Sometimes I need to take some of my own medicine...
(rock, rock)
My D had suggested to me two or three times that she'd enjoy going to the beach--which we used to do a lot--Outer Banks, so I got all happy and invited people to share the great old house we'd been to before and made a rental inquiry and wrote her an update...
She just called me at work to say she hadn't expected it to really happen - and now for various reasons, isn't sure she wants to go.
We've been getting along very well lately, and the boundaries feel healthy and she's done so much growing and I have too. When she talked about the beach I thought she meant it. So I'm feeling sad.
I won't let myself tailspin but it's painful. It retriggers my hurt from the huge conflict we had (well, her raging) the last time we were together on a vacation. I thought we had moved beyond it but it sounds as though she's not fully ready to. Not enough to spend time in my proximity, anyway.
She said, you know I'd want to do my own thing and have a lot of space, and I said sure, me too. And then she said, could I bring a friend and I said of course. I'd be having a great time playing Scrabble with friends and reading novels and relaxing. I wouldn't be in her face. But she clearly feels avoidant and so...
She's tempted by the idea of me paying for her to have a week of vacation (and no doubt her friend too). So she may change her mind. But she couldn't make it more clear that she's not looking forward to my company. And that hurts.
I'll wait and see what she says tonight but I think if she makes it that plain that she wants to go on vacation with me only for the money...maybe I'd be wiser to just plan a getaway on my own. Sigghh. Because I can't help but feel a bit resentful about it. I hope that's normal, but normal or not, it's true.
I guess I'm posting this because I am not sure what the healthy response is. What should I say? What advice would you mothers give me? IOW, do I say, yes, do come along even after making it clear you want as little to do with me as possible and you're treating me like I smell bad...or no, your limits are a little too constraining for me right now and I'd rather have a week with people I know would like to vacation with me? (I find I resent her taking so much money when she doesn't "pay" me with familial feeling...which is of course terrible.) And if she does go, I don't want to walk on eggs because I need to relax. (That's exactly what I'd told her last time she joined me, but I got the I-HATE-YOU screamed in my face anyway.)
Oh spit. Just send me vibes. I would like to make a kind but healthy and clear response, and I do get confused. I want to gratify her (and I think there's a strong chance she'll come, since I'm paying for stuff)...but at the same time, some voice in me wants to take her at her word (why on earth go on vacation together if she feels this unsettled about the idea)? Honestly, I want to create the possibility of a nice time, but if she went ballistic on me again and raged at me about everything that's ever made her unhappy (even rough choices of her own) -- I don't want to go either.
It makes me sad to admit that, but it's true. But where I'm cloudy is I want to make the decision that is HEALTHY. For both of us.