Hey All!
Oh Lighter! That was a wonderful example of social bs! Personally, I'm with you saying: "What do you want to know for?". You could even ask a few more questions about their answers and then act totally bored and turn away, start yakking with PTG or whoeverelse happens to be around. The message is: none of his beeswax!
I also vote for shoving the plate of fries over to the power suit and saying: "You just bought 'em. Enjoy!"
IMO, him saying: "So what's your story?" was the first rude and slightly aggressive move. It's not socially polite, is it, as a first greeting to a lady? Maybe there are some good reasons for our social niceties and all?
About handshakes: A strong, hard, gripping one indicates a bully......or at least.....very aggressive person.
Weak and floppy......means similar personality?
Firm, not too hard but confident shake......similar person?
I dunno. I guess. I think my handshake changes depending on whom I'm shaking with? I've had people hurt my hand!! (that was back when I knew nothing about handshakes and was way too gentle in the process). Now, I'd exclaim: "Ouch! Take it easy!! That hurt!!" But back then, I'd be too timid to dare say such a thing. I'd feel impolite and aggressive myself. Ha!! But the hard, hurtful handshake was actually the impolite, aggressive start of things and so now I think I'd stand up for myself and not let the person away with it. I have a "who gives a fig" attitude, most of the time, with such people. Anyone who crushes my hand on first meeting is not gonna be in my face for long. They turn me off, I guess, the minute I meet them.
But what if a person could perfect their handshake? What if they could give the impression of being fair and confident but really, they aren't? I think I've done that too, in situations where I was actually quite afraid!
Faked it!! (

I guess if your hand gets half wrenched off, it's a good clue about who you're dealing with but I'm suspicious of even the most acceptable shakes because I believe it's a skill that can be learned and not necessarily an indication of anything (although I do agree, it is a bit of a social statement and a soaking wet palm tells me all I wanna know).
CB wrote:
We have all kinds of little social cues in our culture. The hand shake. The polite small talk. Even the bragging and posturing gives me a clue about the character of the person I am talkling to...
It might be an indication of the character of the person I'm talking with or it might be an indication of what the person wants me to believe about their character. Not so easy to tell the difference sometimes, I think.
I'm not sure I want to do away with all the social rules though. Imagine a world where it was ok to crush a hand, or bear hug a person and exclaim: "What in tarnation kinda hair colour is that? It's gotta be a joke!!!"
Imagine if it was ok to just lay it all out....: "Hi. I was abused in childhood so please have patience with me, as I've missed much of "normal" life and am recovering, rebuilding, healing, the whole kit and caboodle"?
Or how about if we were really honest at those job interviews: "Well, I do tend to be a bit grumpy when I have PMS and I don't get along well with every single person alive and can't stand the smell of tuna, so whoever brings it for lunch will earn my immediate disgust!"
Who wants to hire someone based on negative stuff? Not me. I wanna know what you're going to offer and how you're going to improve things, not how you'll possibly upset the apple cart. I already know you're not perfect because no one is.
Just my ramble this Friday.