What do you think my F is besides narcissistic?
I've been getting this weird pain in my ear today, maybe its sinus problems.
I have a question for the board:
In industrialized nations, like US, why do women continue to get married? It's not like other societies where women don't have a choice in the matter (and even they do, they could kill themselves). It is obvious why a man would want to marry, but I don't see what could be in it for a female. I would never do that to myself-chain myself legally to another human being, and a man at that. I have seen the fruits of that labor
It was brought to my attention this year that I don't like men. I'm extra cold to them. I don't even do it on purpose. I've JUST noticed this. I get mad at my friends for talking about boys or having boyfriends, I roll my eyes when people talk about marriage. I try to avoid classes with male professors; I judge male professors more harshly. (Their courses better be amazing...). A lot of small thins like that. I think its a hatred.