that your mother shamed you and manipulated you to the point where just being honest with yourself promotes more shaming cycles inside yourself. At least, I fear that's the case]
This is so big that I am speechless. This is my problem. I feel ashamed of any honest emotions or thoughts. My God, I am so sick that it is scary.
This makes "beaten down" look good. I am so beaten down that beaten down is a step up.
This is the answer for me.
What I want in life is simple and free. I want to regain my gut and my core that my mother and father stole so viciously. I want to be honest inside my head and not feel ashamed of every thought, emotion and reaction.
I am just " struck with awe" that you gave me the answer.i want to write more ,but I am just struck silent with my whole life pain distilled to a sentence. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU
P.S> WHERE do I go from here?
Love Ami
I'm just glad you aren't focused on your Nhusband any longer. Sorry sorry sorry..... one of my triggers right now, lol.
OK..... I think that hurt baby/child Ami has some work to do. I think that you have to go sit in the shower and wail like a wounded animal while pretending you're 3 and 4 and 5yo and telling your mother and your father (in your wounded child's voice) how much they hurt you and how you felt when they did the things that gutted you and feel so so so so sorry for that little child.
She needs to be heard.
She needs you to know how badly she hurts.
She needs YOU to validate her feelings.
Don't suck in air or hold your breath when you're crying. Just wail and cry and carry on. Plan it. Don't have anything else to do the rest of the day and go get in that shower and sink into the despair and sadness. Be puffy be pink and concetrate on exploring the pain. It won't be easy. You'll HATE it but it WILL make you feel better IF YOU CAN GO THROUGH IT and stop avoiding it and trying to push it down. You're mother always told you to stop sniveling and stop feeling sorry for yourself and stop trying to blame her.....
I'm giving you permission RIGHT NOW, to do just that. Talk to her. Be 3yo again and tell her everything. Be 12you and tell her everything. Be that confused hurt vulnerable tender child and talk about how they made you feel. Tell them everything and don't hold back the tears or the feelings or the hurt or the anger or the sadness. It's ALL VALID. It's all necessary.
It might look something like this....
"Mama, when I was little and I needed you, when I was crying and alone and you left me locked in my bedroom with a bladder infection, burning and screaming..... I was so sad and so small and I needed you so much... I didn't understand anything but that you were my world and I hurt so badly and you won't come you won't come you won't come and it won't stop hurting and daddy won't come and I'm so alone and frightened......"
You need to sink into the heartbreak and let that little girl be heard because she's trying to speak all the time, even as you try NOT to hear her.
It's like being tapped on the shoulder all the time.... like being haunted. Like having unfinished business that will ruin your life if you don't address it and hear it and let it speak and ONCE YOU DO......
She'll feel better.
She'll have more peace.
You'll keep working on your coping strategies and self care rituals.
You'll find a couple very good friends and a group of people to share things with.
People who don't requirethat you sacrafice yourself so that they can feel better about being sick and broken and living in a state of altered reality that requires people to mutilate their true selves.
Gaining your voice means you honor yourself.
You have to figure out what Ami likes to do.
You've been focused on what mama wants Ami to be... on pleasing her.
What does Ami want in this life for herself?
What interests do you think you might want to explore?
That's where you start and before you know it.....
you'll have things to do and places to be and not so much time to post on this board anymore, lol.
Maybe you drop by and help other people who remind you of yourself not so long ago.... a lifetime ago?
You share your lessons and you find that only drives the lessons home for you.
It solidifies your life's lessons in concrete ways that allows you to LIVE them, rather than try to incorportate them in abstracts you can't really FEEL yet.
All the sudden you're FEELING better. You're feeling whole. You've found your core and you're sharing the real Ami with others.....
and yourself.