Wow Ami, Kinda feel like so much of what you have said in this conversation is me. And thanks to all that responded. I have lots to think about. WISDOM! Think I have been stuck in the cycle of rehashing the pain. Same song played over and over.... Also feel the void that should be where my "self" should be. Wonder if my inner self is so covered by shame. Feel like a fraud. Like I have been trying to play the part of a "healthy, strong, or good" person. Want to find a place where "me" is enough and even more than enough.
Ami, do you feel like you know who you really are or of your value? Do you know yourself but feel that you just haven't talked for a while? or do you feel like your inner self didn't get developed? or maybe that you don't know where to find yourself? I don't really have much in the way of wisdom to share. But you sound like you are hovering between the past pattern and the future freedoms.