I suppose it does, in theory. I mean, I know she's the sick one. I know that.
I try to be nice to myself, I really do. I get it.
But knowing it & really KNOWING it, well..I think that's 2 different things.
I haven't been here very long, Izzy. I don't think this will happen anytime soon. This magical thing. Waking up and suddenly have 100% change. I think it's not reasonable to think, or expect that.
I'm being honest with you, Izzy. I want you to tell me if you think I'm wrong.
I know it might get tiring to hear me or anyone else vent like this. But, I think that all anyone really wants to do in a post like Ami's. Just let it out, let it flow. I have been frozen for sooo very long. I'm sorry if it makes someone uncomfortable. If it doesn't do that to you, Izzy, I'm glad. I need all the love I can get right now. I know it must seem so frustrating for someone like you, who has overcome so much in her life, to see someone like ME, who's NOT disabled & still not getting it.
But if you give me time & patience, I will.