and that is new territory after 37 years?
That is the main point. They have never been in this province/town before so I am the tour guide. If they are 'bored: it will be because they would not be able to live the disabled life and enjoy what thay CAN do.
I haven't seen them for 9 years that I've been here, plus a year or two can be added on from back there before I moved.
This will be the first to see me after a 4 year stint with living with an N and all the resulting trauma, which is gone, but how do we know, if there are small changes, how we would be seen by a sibling---in this circumstance?
I will be meeting my own needs. Will they think this is selfish? Think!!!!! Aha. She has to do so-and-so.
Rather redundant, here, but yes, they will have to slow down for me, as I am the 'tour guide, the one to suggest i.e types of food for a restaurant., and they don't know their way around.
They do want to talk, so want to eat out so time is not wasted rattling the pots and pans. (per brother who does the cooking at home)
I told my therapist yesterday that I must prepare for every conceivable situation, one being
--Are they going to ask/suggest/tell me to move back so I won't be alone out here in my old age Two against one!
I am not moving. Case closed!