Author Topic: Evolution on the Board  (Read 15123 times)

Certain Hope

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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #45 on: August 15, 2007, 08:11:37 PM »
Dear Pennyplant,

I don't think that anyone or anything has ever met my mother's expectations, so at least I don't feel alone in that.
(Wish there was a half smile... I'd insert it here).

I'm so glad that you're feeling more... uplifted here, too. That's worth a full smile :)

So far, I haven't had much success reconstructing early years, but stressing it isn't going to get it done. Feels like these discussions do more good than trying to record a time-line or any other systematic sort of approach.

Which two tests have you taken so far, Pp?  I only did the sensitivity one, where every item applied and I briefly wondered whether a cave wouldn't be more suitable living quarters  :?  ( as I type behind closed blinds... lol)

I'm looking forward to reading whatever you want to share, any time, Pennyplant.

From my heart,



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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #46 on: August 15, 2007, 08:41:41 PM »
Well, I took the one where you end up being INJP or various other abbreviations--that's the one where I came out two different ways, I believe.  As you can see, I can't get my mind around that one.  It's hard for me to remember what the abbreviations stand for. 

I also took the Enneagram test and turned out to be a type 4 Individualist.  That one is me to a T.  Re-reading the basic description makes me think I'm fighting with my very nature.  "Basic Fear: That they have no identity or personal significance.  Basic Desire: To find themselves and their significance (to create an identity).....Key Motivations:  Want to express themselves and their individuality, to create and surround themselves with beauty, to maintain certain moods and feelings, to withdraw to protect their self-image, to take care of emotional needs before attending to anything else, to attract a 'rescuer'."  These type of people tend to get lost in their thoughts.  That would be me. 

I am interested in history and biography.  So, trying to remember or figure out my childhood with some kind of timeline is kind of a natural tendency for me.  I don't have a precise memory, though.  I tend to remember things that impressed me emotionally.  I also use photos to put together some kind of story to make some kind of sense.  Give myself a general impression of what was going on.  Plus, what I remember of what my parents said or did.  And how they remember it today.

I bet many, many mothers who grew up in the 40s and 50s had certain "happily ever after" expectations that were seriously disappointed by the reality of their marriages and children. 

A cave sounds nice......  Part of my retreating from here lately may be due to my general feeling of wanting to get away from it ALL.  Everything feels like a demand lately.  Part of me thinks, nobody else in my 3D life wants to change themselves, even though some of them are a REAL pain in my butt.  Why do I have to keep changing all the time while they get to stay the same and even feel good about being a jerk?  What's that all about?  Maybe I've changed enough?  That's what I was hoping.  But being dragged right down by my depression this week, wow.  That was a wake-up call.  It was so familiar and so dreaded.  For emotions to be so ill that it caused a physical sensation.  I hated it.

I guess it's not me changing myself, it's me healing.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #47 on: August 15, 2007, 08:53:35 PM »
Dear Penny,
  I  am sorry that you feel so discouraged. I am finding that as I heal, my relationships get easier--- not harder. My H  and S(golden)  are being really good to me. My other son (older) and I have a good relationship.I stand up for myself much better , so I am getting treated better.
   As you heal, the pain gets better                              Love     Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung

Certain Hope

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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #48 on: August 15, 2007, 09:02:23 PM »
I hear you, Pennyplant.

I've had the urges to just hibernate, but seems like I've used up all my "get away from it all for free" cards.

That injp thing... I remember the Myers Briggs. Took it once years ago, turned out INJ... but not P, and I can't remember. Is there an F?
lol   oy vey, I am tired.

I burned the results in one of my last bonfires. The whole thick envelope... up in smoke. That's how much I didn't want to be that person anymore. Actually, I think the test would come out differently now.. that was 1999, before npd-ex... but who knows. Maybe tomorrow. Kinda hate to test a work in progress... feeling a bit naked over here.

So yes, I hear you.

The Enneagram test result sure does sound like an ideal fit for you, based on what you've shared here. Kinda neat to see yourself summarized in a natural, normal way and realize that there are other "4"s out there :)  Maybe I'll see what # they give me... tomorrow.
My brain is toast right now.
Daughter and I have been piddling with the right brain - left brain dominance tests, and learning-style tests (auditory or visual), and other similar things. Makes for interesting conversations between us :) She's young... she recovers alot faster than I do from the brain strain.

It's hard to keep motivated toward positive growth and change when you're surrounded by Homer Simpsons, I know.
Not that I have a Homer, but he's pretty self-satisfied... lol... and actually, pretty satisfied with me, too. I'm the one who wants more out of me. That's a good enough reason to keep changing, I think. And... I do believe that others will notice and at least have a chance to learn by example. Of course, that's up to them.

Sounds like healing to me, PP. Really, it does. I "feel" better just having spewed all over these pages.
Exhausted, but better!



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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #49 on: August 15, 2007, 09:08:58 PM »
Thank you Ami.  I am healing but I have such a long ways to go.  I still have trouble with feeling good about myself and easy with others.  When the depression recedes, I do better with that.  I guess I thought that it would be steady forward progress, especially since I can measure my healing and it is significant.  Sometimes the one step back feels like ten steps back.  Today I called up a friend that I haven't talked to in awhile.  It took me a week to feel well enough, energetic enough, whatever, to make the call.  I wanted to call when I knew I could enjoy our conversation.  To be able to go a whole week waiting to feel good enough to talk with a friend--that feels like several steps backward!

When I have time, I think I will start the thread about what happened at work on Friday.  It is pertinent to this subject of relationships and being treated better when we feel better.

Hopefully tomorrow.

I know I keep bringing it up like a tease.  But it had a significant impact on me.  Still absorbing the lesson.  So, hopefully tomorrow.

Hope, I think our version of spewing and what the Ns and N-types do to us is a whole different thing.  Well, I understand your spewing quite well anyway and it just feels like sharing good ideas.

Good night,

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #50 on: August 16, 2007, 12:16:00 AM »

Hi PP,

I've been a while getting back.  Been sick AGAIN!  Felling much better now.

Anyway, I agree that it can get tiresome being proffered yet another article or book that might 'fix' us.  In recommending Dr. Aron, I had a little moe confidence than usual because I'd sent the link to a friend who was struggling with connecting with people.  It ended up having a large impact on her (and she's not easy to impress).  So I hoped there might be something to glean from it.

I thought the extravert part interesting too.  I am decidedly an introvert.  Can't imagine even vaguely what it would be like to be extraverted, but surprised at the prospect that someone could be extraverted and shy.  Can't say I understand the concept though.

I'm so enjoying reading this thread and GS's thread and hearing your confirmations that things were being said that really spoke to a particular need or answered a question.  To me that is one of the important features of the board and these threads are good examples. 

Thank you Beth and each one who has contributed to a very meaningful thread.

I look forward to all you  have care to contribute PP.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 12:19:54 AM by teartracks »


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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #51 on: August 16, 2007, 12:38:51 AM »
I have been thinking about our "places" on the board. We come here, most of us, needing help. For months, at least, a new member, especially one who has just discovered NPD in a close person and doesn't know anything about the disorder, will want to take in everything he/she can and will want to hear about others who are in the same spot. I think this is an information-gathering time. After this stage, the person should want to move on to the What Do I Do To Feel Better stage. At this point, you will start to understand about negative tapes, reactions to things that are actually reactions to the N in your life but displaced, and ways we have hurt ourselves. Now is the time for growth. Once a person has had much growth, he or she would stay on the board to provide help to others and share what he/she has learned. Or the person leaves the board pretty much altogether.
Of course, even those who have had a lot of growth need to go back to stage one sometimes and ask for help.
What do you all think about this... the stages and the growth????
Love, Beth

I am coming in very late here, and thought long and hard about posting at all.

I agree completely, beth, with everything. But I'd add one thing. There are some things you just can't do in this setting. Deep process work is one of them. A year ago, I thought it might be possible, but now I know it's not. That kind of work requires a dedicated therapy group... and that's what I'm headed for now.

I hate how this sounds, but I can't find a better way to put it: I want to be in a place where everyone is there to get garbage out of their own heads too, not just to commiserate about "those awful people out there".

We have a fable here, a very powerful myth that seems almost impossible to challenge: we are all just dandy, and it's only the Ns who are vile. Not so. It is simply impossible for us to live through what we have lived through and emerge intact, undamaged, unscathed. As long as we have to pretend that's so, as long as we're unable to part with the images of ourselves as perfect, we are doomed to continue through life hurting ourselves and others.

I've seen plenty of vile behavior here, and only *some* instances of it have been mine. But this, We Do Not Talk About. We don't take our own inventories. We rare back and glare at any who even raise the thought that We the Innocent Victims might hurt and abuse others because we learned to do it on a deep, instinctive level, from those who hurt and abused us. And then we make sure to give the renegade an extra helping of abuse just to larn them not to think such things of us. Many of us would rather die naked and flogged, than ever admit that we have wronged someone here and - god forbid - apologize to them. It would tarnish the image unbearably, and the image is the thing that matters.

This makes me want to shake people until their teeth rattle, and that is not good for me or them. Not to mention innocent bystanders.

I've been helped hugely here. I don't want to sound like I'm unaware of that. But I think, in my case, that the help has come because I had my therapist with me every step of the way. I was working with him when I signed up here the first time, and this time. He's seen the site and knows my screen name, and I've talked with him on many occasions about what has gone on here - my sins of omission and commission, and the omissions and comissions I've experienced, both onboard and in PMs. He knows what I think about pretty much everything and everyone - at least where I have an opinion. Sometimes he agrees, sometimes he disagrees, usually he asks me why I think as I do. And he always gets the story 'afterward'. He doesn't tell me what to think or do.

Without that sounding board, I'd have stalled very early, because I couldn't 'get into' anything deeply at all otherwise. I found, and find, that when I try, it either frightens people, angers them, or both. I've reached the point where I'm seeing a lot of interpersonal dynamics here that I can't talk about [I've been called an N and worse when I try], especially as they affect me and I affect them in turn. At this point, I need not one therapist, but a roomful of therapist-peers. A therapy group. If I can find one. Because, for me, as long as I have to dissemble in a therapeutic environment, it can never be completely therapeutic.

I would LOVE to talk constructively and openly here about my own flaws and imperfections and distortions and unrealistic expectations, and get honest non-defensive agenda-free feedback about them. No can do. This is not a therapy group; it's a support group. One of a kind, incredible, but still, a support group. Trying to use it as a therapy group is not going to work; it's not designed to be one. Lesson learned, and accepted.

Lest this be dismissed as Another of Stormchild's Recent Rants, let me leave you with a thought, and a challenge. I believe that the people who have made the most progress here - in the psychological sense, not the temporal or financial sense - are people who have 'kissed their monsters on the nose' [from Friel and Friel, I think] - people who face and own their labels, and in so doing, break the spell.

Write, who is bipolar and unashamed. Moon, who is also bipolar and unashamed. Yourself, an AA member and unashamed. And others...

Because there IS no shame in these things! There is only courage and freedom to be found in facing them.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2007, 12:55:10 AM by Stormchild »
The only way out is through, and the only way to win is not to play.

"... truth is all I can stand to live with." -- Moonlight52


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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #52 on: August 16, 2007, 04:36:16 AM »
This makes me want to shake people until their teeth rattle, and that is not good for me or them. Not to mention innocent bystanders.

Oh please Miz Storm, throw me in that briar patch, but please, please don't shake me until more teeth rattle.  I already have some of those and there is a hungry dentist with dollar signs flying out of his eyes and mouth to get at them.  Now there's an innocent bystander who would benefit!  :P

All kiding aside, Storm, enjoyed your blog, It's all about the abuse blog on gailwarnings.

And I want to respond to your post as well.


Certain Hope

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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #53 on: August 16, 2007, 08:39:48 AM »
Dear Pennyplant,

I've been thinking more about what makes this sort of discussion so... satisfying and fulfilling to me, and I see that it's not nearly so much about answered questions and putting each item neatly into its place, but it's just the sharing.
I can feel the sharing, the give and take, and it's pleasurable.
I can picture each of us with our little piles of blocks to stack and arrange, but sometimes we need that extra piece here and there, in order to complete the design we have in mind. Nobody's anxiously pushing and shoving to tell us how to build... sticking their hands into our space to make adjustments...  just sitting nearby, available to lend a hand when asked and also willing to acknowledge the need for an occasional assist. 
And I'm thinking that if you and I could be that sort of friend, each to our selves, then we wouldn't have to wait a week to feel well enough, energetic enough, to talk with a friend (yes, I'm like that, too... big time).

This spewing isn't venting like N does at all, no. To me, it's just the releasing of... whatever... that may not be all well-ordered and prepped for release, but we can try to put it out there anyway. It's not fancy and decorated and intellectualized to be all pretty and neat... it's raw and unprocessed... in a good way.

Oh, and I don't feel a bit teased by your holding off on posting about what happened at work on Friday. It'll come out when its ready... when you're ready. When something like that has such an impact, I can't usually just toss it out there... unless the tossing is driven by fear, that would be the exception. Other than that, yes... takes me a longgggg while to absorb some of these things and the asborbing stage can be a very vulnerable place.
It's hard to describe a change in progress... kinda leaves you feeling like all your joints and connective tissues are loose and dangly.

Dear Beth,

Thank you for this thread! It sure has taken some unique turns and I'm just so glad you put it out there to gather thoughts!

I hope you're both having a great Thursday :)



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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #54 on: August 16, 2007, 09:01:09 AM »
Dear Storm,
  That was a profound post. YES--- that is it--- BREAK the spell. It is that simple.
   Penny,I think, was talking about getting "mired" in all the theories. I agree 100%. I think that the inner child"work" takes you inside, where we had the "spell" put on us. We have to take off the 'spell". We DON"T need to learn new theories(IMO)
  We need to find our essential core and our own power.
   It is a digging out--- not 'taking IN new informarion(IMO)
How do you  break the spell?    TRUTH
Truth about ourselves and our lives. Truth is the weapon to break any spell(IMO)                              Love   Ami
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.        Eleanor Roosevelt

Most of our problems come from losing contact with our instincts,with the age old wisdom stored within us.
   Carl Jung


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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #55 on: August 16, 2007, 02:31:50 PM »
TT, I'm glad you're feeling better enough to post!  I went back and read GS's thread after it was mentioned on this one and it was so interesting.  Learned a lot from what everyone said and I'm sorry I missed it from the beginning.

What is happening with me now as far as reading and researching--I'm digging into the past and decided to read some books on Autism and Asperger's since my father thought he was Asperger's.  I figured my having been raised by someone who could not understand and express emotions and who could not understand how to easily connect with others must have had a significant impact on what I was able to learn about those same areas of life.  I read those books looking for myself in there.  I found some interesting things as I read along.  I think I found my son in there.  The oldest one who I have had trouble connecting with from day one.  And I'm still absorbing this new knowledge.

So, more reading?  Hmmmm.  It would be good for me.  I might even like it.  But I just feel a sort of turmoil inside right now.  I need to let that pass.  At the same time I'm also digging into my own memories and feelings and ways.  Journaling and learning how to pay attention--that's a big one.  I don't pay attention very well.  I'm usually distracted by my thoughts and stronger emotions.  For now, I'm going to keep working on this current turmoil and a couple of threads here and keep in mind the hypersensitivity issue.  My test results tell me it is a big issue for me and working on it would be helpful.  But it will have to be later.

I have to get back to work now and would like to respond more to this thread tonight.

Bye for now.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #56 on: August 16, 2007, 03:44:34 PM »
Hi PP,
How about dance lessons?

Seriously. I have an idea that doing something like dancing with others, or Tai Chi classes, would enable you to focus on physical patterns, which might turn out to be a sort of EFT for your inner self.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Certain Hope

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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #57 on: August 16, 2007, 05:28:03 PM »

About not paying attention well...

I've been thinking of that, too... it's something of which I've been aware forever, it seems, but never made a deliberate effort to understand the whys and wherefores. Pretty much thought it was just one of my quirks.
But now I'm finding it's tied in to a sense of helplessness, I think... and also a bit of a fatalistic mindset which says: "what difference does it make? ... everything is prearranged anyhow; I'm just along for the ride" (going wayyy back to earliest childhood).

Rushing through this at the moment, just home from "town", but checked in here to see whether you'd posted and wanted to add this before I forget.
We had to go do the tour at son's new middle school, which is fairly familiar territory to us, since his sisters both did their years there :) and yet... of course, it's all new to him. Anyhow, I recognized anew the difficulty I have with paying attention to locations... trying to help him practice his route from class to class... I can do it, but it's a most definite, conscious struggle. So many people and the hallways all congested... I could feel my mind beginning swamp.
Then walmart, for a few last minute school supplies... and all the people, lights, colors... I felt those old signals of impending shut-down... and yet it wasn't so bad, simply because of the awareness.
I think it's because the reflex anger/frustration reaction is mostly gone these days, it's like I'm more aware of my actual surroundings and how they're affecting me...  and that dual awareness is paying off. I still find this stuff tiring, but not exhausting and incapacitating.

And I wondered... does your "not paying attention" extend to your physical surroundings as well as your internal emotional condition? For years I've felt like a bit of a fool about these sorts of things, but now just beginning to see the way through this particular little quirk.

Later :)



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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #58 on: August 16, 2007, 07:22:19 PM »
I have been thinking about you so much and am going to back this all up to a few days ago when I reintroduced the thread and you answered saying that you felt different from others often and that you always feel this way in a group... I think you are hiding. I think you get scared and back off from others. I was such a "unique" person, I felt, for the longest time. And a person like me just never "fit in." And in some ways I feel that at times now... but I have to also go with what was said to you here - it's a way to keep yourself safe. It's so funny - you say you have nothing important to share with others, and yet I see you as one of the authorities and wise voices on this board. And, tough tootsies, lady, I think we are a lot alike. LOL. Really, I am going through an opposite stage now - getting used to realizing that I am LIKE others. And that is a bit scary to me. I have swung the other way and feel very unspecial now.
((((((((((((Penny))))))))))))) I want to write more, but company calls...
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Evolution on the Board
« Reply #59 on: August 16, 2007, 09:07:56 PM »
Stormy, That was excellent--I'm glad you decided to post your thoughts on this.  Now my thoughts are going in a direction that I don't know how to explain.  I'm coming at it from a different angle though.  Why don't people want to dig deep or face their monsters?  Why do they become uncomfortable with someone who is doing just that?  Is it their unique personality?  Or is it that what they came out of  is just too terrible to re-live and examine?  Are there some things better left buried?  Is that ever possible? 

I am one who wants to dig.  I might not tell people about some of what comes up.  But I want to know these things.  And all the while I know that what I am digging up is rather mild compared to the tortures that some here have survived.  The girl who stalked me in 9th grade and terrorized me for several months was a victim of incest.  I don't have an answer or fix for something like that.  I'm just wondering if there are some basic problems for some people when it comes to facing things.

In general, I am a huge fan of truth.  And expressing truth and emotions.  In my world, that's not a particularly common trait.  I don't think it is common anywhere.

Wow, I am struggling here.  Okay, when you mentioned the fable, the myth of this place, that we are the good ones and the bad ones are the Ns out there..... Well, I agree with that.  I do see this board as operating under such a mindset.  So, I wonder, why do we have to seem so good?  How do we maintain a truer balance?  How do we admit to things without it all falling apart?  I see this in everyday life too.  When someone is in trouble, or causing trouble, or being unbearable, the other people just want it to stop.  They'll do anything to make it stop.  They'll even say, I don't care anymore, just make it stop, give her what she wants, I don't want to hear it anymore.

And maybe some people reach a point of healing or whatever that feels like enough.  They can live with it like this from now on.  I have not reached a point of healing where I think it is enough.  I want more.  There are things I want to accomplish in this life and I don't think I will if I don't heal and grow and figure out how to let the happiness and contentment in.  I'm not even halfway there yet.

I hope everyone here wants to keep going.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon