Wow Certain Hope. I love this thread.
I have had alot of experience with the paranoid. When I read it I thought immediately of my late husband and after he died I began to believe that he fit the descriptions of BPD, so I really clicked into Lighter's post.
I am electrified by this line:
Little acts of degradation, manipulation, secrecy and shame on a daily basis take their toll. Trauma by accumulation sneaks up on its victims.
Is anyone here interested in EFT? One of the things that has caught me us short concerning it is that it is recommended that you get at specific instances of wounding but I have found that next to impossible for the very reason identified by the above statement. That line really goes to the heart of my "victimization" and my extremely difficult time in getting it identified. It hid in great part because it was not some specific, horrific act against me but it was much more insidious, little acts that could be excused away.
Thank you so much for posting this CH.
Dear GS,
I'm just beginning to realize the many ways in which the paranoid type has always been able to effectively push my buttons.
I think that's because I'd tune in to their fear and often mis-read it as a need for reassurance, when what they really desired was to consume me.
Doesn't take long with one of this type to recognize that any attempt to declare separate-ness or assert boundaries is interpreted as a breach of loyalty... a betrayal.
There's a stringent requirement with the paranoid... one must see 100% eye to eye with this type at every level, else be declared the enemy.
No peaceable compromise is allowed... only absolute surrender.
Wearying of the battle and walking away is interpreted as a direct assault, bringing on a fresh harangue of accusations and claims of victimhood.
This used to draw me back in, with further attempts to convince the person of my care and concern, but no more.
Lighter keyed in to the relationship of this type to Borderlines, but NPD does it, too... the difference being, imo, BPD is scared to death... but NPD purposes to destroy its targets because of its furious, burning hatred of anyone who would dare to think herself good enough to care for them.
That line you cited got me, too...
Little acts of degradation, manipulation, secrecy and shame on a daily basis take their toll. Trauma by accumulation sneaks up on its victims.That's the story of my childhood, unintentional as it was... but I'm getting to relive and reprogram those little occasions daily, now that I'm aware... with my children and "normal" (heh... so he says

) husband... and even alone, often as I'm reading here on the board, recognizing how I might have reacted in the past (and why) and how I feel about it now. Every day, I'm seeing that it's okay not to sort it all at once.. every little bit helps and eventually, it'll all come together.
I wasn't familiar with EFT, but looked it up and did a bit of reading here... I dunno, GS.... I kinda feel like if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is... but I just don't know.
Thanks for you comments... helped me alot, too, to continue thinking this through.