I'm sorry! Thought I'd replied to your previous post ... I'm sure I typed it! ...about those wacky-bossy-pushy women trying to photograph your clients and force them to attend a particular service... sheesh. Don't they think these people have human rights? Sounds like they treat them as animals!
And the ones spoiling for a fight last night. Bones, do you have access to any form of physical protection there - I dunno, like pepper spray? Stun gun? lol ((((((Bones))))))) sounds a bit scary to me. You must have a great tone of voice to back these characters down when they get loaded for bear... I just hate to think of you being in danger there. Must be difficult to sub at a different place, where nobody knows you...
One positive jumps out at me all the way around... your bosses are backing you up every step of the way, sounds like. Yay!
Stay safe, Bones. Hope you don't have to return to that other building again.