Good question there. I think boundaries take many forms. Like giving people physical space --- giving grown children the freedom to move away from the parents without trying to make them feel bad for pursuing a career or other dreams. Or giving them space in time --- allowing them to loosen the rhythm of contact, allowing ourselves even to loosen the rhythm of contact, so that we are not required to call or visit according to what the other person wants but what we are comfortable with. And I think with healthy boundaries, these spaces don't signal the end of the relationship.
Emotional boundaries are harder. In my family, you would offend people if you didn't feel the same way they felt about a situation. It was assumed that you felt the same way the other person did. I think emotional boundaries mean that you recognize which emotions are yours and which emotions are the other persons' (and you are feeling empathetic with them but you don't necessarily feel the same way they do). And when you recognize what your feelings are, then you can act on those feelings rather than getting sucked into acting according to the other person's feelings.
Well, Bones, I haven't even begun to describe the many types of boundaries, but hopefully other people will jump in and contribute too!!! I wonder if there's any way to distill all the different types of boundaries down into a concise description or definition.
Thanks, HeartofPilgrimage!
Distilling all the different typs of boundaries down into a concise description or definition is going to take a LOT of thinking! To begin the process, I'm thinking in the following terms:
Boundaries of Mind, (Don't dictate what I am allowed to think!)
Boundaries of Body, (Don't touch me without my permission!)
Boundaries of Spirit, (Don't attempt to crush me!)
Boundaries of Heart, (Don't dictate what I am allowed to feel!)
Boundaries of Family, (e.g. NWomb-Donors, NBio-Chutes, NSperm-Donors, NBio-Spurts do NOT have a right to interfere with YOU, YOUR marriage, YOUR spouse and/or YOUR children! PERIOD!!!!!)
Boundaries of Living Space, (i.e. your room, your apartment, your condo, your house, your land, your street) - NO ONE HAS A RIGHT TO TRESPASS, WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE A CELEBRITY!!!!!!
(The N's nose ENDS where my business BEGINS!)
(I'll think of more as I contemplate.)