Another thought that just came to mind regarding how NDoofus attempted to relate to me......
She attempted to CONTROL EVERY SECOND and ASPECT of my life and DEMANDED that I INSTANTANEOUSLY DROP whatever was going on in my life, (i.e. working with an employer, having asthmatic bronchitis, dealing with a heart condition, visiting with boyfriend, working on a graduate school project, etc.), for HER ROYAL CONVENIENCE!!!!! At one point, she attempted to use the excuse that since SHE BOUGHT ME A GIFT, (for Christmas, my birthday, housewarming, graduation, etc.) THEREFORE SHE'S ENTITLED which I would usually respond: "THAT DOES NOT MAGICALLY MAKE ME YOUR SLAVE! I AM ENTITLED TO HAVE A LIFE OUTSIDE OF YOUR ORBIT!!!!!!!"

BTW, whenever anyone DARES say the word "NO" to NDoofus, she usually gives a glassy-eyed blank stare, then try to passively-aggressively FORCE you to do what SHE wants or passively-aggressively attempt to PUNISH you for DARING to cross her ROYAL SELF! (She is no longer in my social circle. I'm analyzing my observations now so I can recognize the warning flags quickly so I won't have to deal with an N like this again!)