I was assisting with Depression Screening Day in my community last night and found myself dealing with ANOTHER N!

She is convinced that she has ALL THE ANSWERS and that she KNOWS EVERYTHING!!!! At one point, during the course of the event, when I was in the middle of speaking with someone about the free information we have to offer, SHE BUTTS INTO THE CONVERSATION, STARTS TALKING OVER ME AS IF I WASN'T THERE AND BLURTS AT THE PERSON..."YOU WANT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH CHECKED?!?!?!?" The person I HAD been speaking to IMMEDIATELY BEAT FEET!!!!!

I let her know that I did NOT appreciate that!!

Toward the end of the evening, my health issues started catching up with me and I started feeling tired. She noticed that the color had started draining out of my face and she began BADGERING me to go home, AS IF SHE WAS MY BOSS!!!! (She is NOT!!!!!!)

I politely and pointedly told her to back off! When it was time to pack up our display, I was SO GLAD TO GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!! I DESPISE N's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
