My ultimately most meaningful Christmas gift, ever, which I've shared here before, was when my Nmom went to considerable trouble, considering her advanced age, to order from a catalogue a little flowery plaque that said: "I smile because you are my Daughter. I laugh because there is nothing you can do about it." She was so
I was slackjawed but over time, came to really appreciate having this thing. I keep it in a basket of stuff in my bathroom. It's like a reality check.
And, perversely, it is sort of fuNNy.
I will probably have it hanging above the toilet in a future home...(can't do that now with realtors trotting through).
I have never speculated on the inventor of the gift, but perhaps there are Nmothers across the land, spotting that in a tacky catalogue, and something in their minds actually lights up with pleasure. Hey! Somebody gets how I feel about my child! This is a perfect object!

Seriously, I'm not miffed about it any more -- haven't been for ages. It's more funny than sad to me now. Oh the iroNy.