I've heard that taping another bird silhouette to the window works... but it didn't work for me. Maybe a cat instead?
Shortly after we moved in here, I heard banging from a back bedroom. I was shocked to see a Piliated Woodpecker - which is a sizable bird - clinging to the window and pecking at his reflection. I shooed him, and he hasn't been back. (ahhhhhh-chooooo!)
The thing that makes me nutz, is our squirrels can actually climb the exterior stucco walls. Reminds me of the sound of mice. And they just laugh and wave their tails at me or drop acorns & hickory nuts on my head. (more ahhh-choos... sigh.) Of course, we live in the "wild kingdom" - not what you think of as a beach environment...
I've seen bald eagles; river otters; we have a pack of gorgeous foxes - they'd make great coats, but they're just too adorable; our over-friendly one who'd play with us is nowhere to be found... these guys keep their distance. I'm hoping I get to see the kits in the spring. Then there's the resident herd of deer - including a nice 8 pt. buck, quite a few baby bucks, and loads of babies - who eat all the expensive landscaping in people's yards. So, it's common to see shrubs and flower beds all caged in. After Irene, we also had a nice black bear come visit from the mainland... then he went over to Southern Shores for a day-trip... before swimming back here and back to the mainland. It's quite a swim across the sound! We have all kinds of waterfowl - and are a migratory flightpath stop for a lot of species. Herons, osprey, cormorants, 1000s of different seagulls, bluebirds, martins, lots of woodland species, hummers, pelicans, ducks & even swans from time to time. We have lots of lizard-y type creatures most of the year, too... skinks, cameleons, and bigger guys - they're harmless; but I could've done without the 3 baby cottonmouths we killed in the pool area (and scooped out of the pool) after the hurricane. The black snakes are big enough to not bother me much... but I think hubs is Indiana Jones' brother - he hates snakes. Been bitten too many times. Dragonflies... and butterflies... and beetles/bugs from another planet that I can't identify.
Good thing I used to live in West ByGod... I'm used to all this nature, but even out in the boonies we weren't as over-run as this place feels like. Oh yeah - I forgot - last summer they had to come relocate the beavers that took up residence in our ponds. Now, if I could just figure out how to grow stuff in sand... I am working on some leaf mold piles, but at the moment all those are, are mosquito habitat. It hasn't gotten cold enough yet to do more than just slow them down.