Dear Bones,
Re: Is it always N behavior to violate others boundaries?
First your traveling companion exhibited over the top N behavior.
I think we all violate the boundaries of others from time to time, but not maliciously. The difference is that N's won't hear you when you explain that they have overstepped a boundary. They will do the same thing over and over again even though you have been clear that their behavior is not acceptable. They will lie, deny, manipulate, set you up for more, - well you know the gig, right?
On the other hand, a regular person will hear you when you explain that they have overstepped a boundary, they know that no means no, they will apologize and mean it, correct their behavior, feel remorse, talk it through, pursue mutuality, work with you to clear the air, and so on. Once the two have talked through the incident, both will feel like they have moved forward. From there, the normal flow of interaction and communication can take it's healthiest course.
Congratulations on the Masters!
Was re-reading this and realized something. (Thanks, TT!)
Now I understand WHY I want NOTHING to do with Cousin Jackass! The few times he dials my number, he plucks my LAST nerve with his N-Crap, including regurgitating the same poisonous lies that NWomb-Donor smeared around! UGH!!!

He also wants to keep whining about how he can't understand WHY Ex-Wife #1 and Ex-Wife #2 BOTH KICKED HIM TO THE CURB! The fact that he REFUSES TO LISTEN just does NOT enter into the equation!
I wish he would LOSE my number, get lost, and STAY LOST!!!!!